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《灵界经历》 第4217节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4217

4217. 1About the people before the flood

Several times I have heard their turmoil under the misty rock, and I not only heard it, but also felt it under the heel of my left foot. It is a kind of effort to lift themselves up, but it goes no farther than an effort; so they are continually trying to betake themselves out into the world of spirits and to suffocate it with their persuasions, but they are held back, and cannot go beyond the effort. Those who stubbornly persist in this attempt are severely punished by their companions by a rage like that of killers, so that they may become horrified at such punishments and at being let down even deeper, where the mist of the rock is more dense, and they wander like wild animals in the forest, and sometimes cruelly torment each other. 1749, 14 April.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally in the manuscript by a vertical wavy line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4217


I have occasionally perceived, from hearing, how these spirits tumultuate under the cloudy or misty rock, and not only have I heard it, but I have actually felt it under the heel of the left foot. It is a kind of effort to elevate themselves, but it does not go beyond a mere attempt. They are thus continually striving to emerge into the world of spirits, and to suffocate it with their persuasions, but they are withheld, and can effect nothing beyond an abortive attempt. Those who obstinately persist in this are sorely punished by their associates, especially by the sensation of deadly bitings, in order that they may be inspired with dread, as also that they may be let still farther down where the mistiness of the rock is still more dense. They rove about like wild beasts in the woods, and sometimes cruelly torment themselves. - 1749, April 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 4217 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4217. De antediluvianis

Aliquoties audivi quomodo sub nimbosa petra tumultuantur, nec solum audivi sed sub calcaneo pedis sinistri sensi, est quidam nisus se elevandi, sed ultra conatum non procedit, ita se continuo volunt efferre in mundum spirituum, et eum suffocare persuasionibus suis, sed detinentur, nec ulterius quam conari possunt; qui obstinate hoc tentant, graviter puniuntur a sociis, per iratus similes occisorum, ob causam, ut horrorem trahant, ut et altius demittuntur, ubi adhuc densior petra nimbosa est: vagantur sicut ferae in sylvis; se quandoque crudeliter tractando. 1749, 14 April.

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