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《灵界经历》 第4216节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4216

4216. A broad way was portrayed tending toward hell, and a narrow one tending toward heaven. The broad way appeared to be planted round about with trees, and to be beautiful, but to have a variety of snakes creeping here and there upon it; and the narrow way was sad and dark, but round about it were little angel children beautifully adorned, whom [those passing along it] did not see.

They were asked which way they wanted to go, and since they did not see the snakes, and did not see the little children, they said they wished to go on the broad way, but when it was visibly disclosed to them that there were snakes in the broad way, and little children in the narrow one, they shuddered at [taking] the broad way and said they wanted to take the narrow one. 1749, 14 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4216

4216. There was represented a broad way leading to hell and a narrow way leading to heaven; the broad way appeared as if planted on either side with beautiful trees, but having serpents creeping here and there over it. The narrow way on the other hand, was cheerless and obscure, but around it were angel-infants beautifully adorned, which, however, were not visible. When the question was proposed to some which way they would take, they answered, while not seeing the serpents or the infants, that they would take the broad way, but as soon as these objects were clearly presented to their vision, the serpents in the broad way and the infants in the narrow, they then demurred as to their former choice and said they would take the narrow way. - 1749, April 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 4216 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4216. Repraesentata erat lata via quae ad infernum tendit, et stricta quae ad coelum, lata via apparens arboribus circum 294 consita, et pulchra, sed angues et serpentes hic et ibi repentes, et stricta via tristis et obscura, sed circum angeli infantes decorati, quos non videbant; interrogatum, quam viam ire vellent, cum non videbant serpentes, et non videbant infantes, dicebant se velle ire latam viam, sed cum detegebatur iis, quoque ad visum, [quod] serpentes in lata via, et infantes in arcta, tunc horrebant latam, et dicebant se ire velle arctam. 1749, 14 April.

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