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《灵界经历》 第4228节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4228

4228. In the morning I spoke with them, and they declared that I am nothing, because I am carried to thinking, and to speaking, to everything, and therefore nothing is from myself, as many had clearly seen, for I had been such now for 4 years, that I thought, and spoke, nothing from my own power, but it still seems to me sometimes as if it is I who am thinking and speaking. Yet upon inquiry those are at once found who had brought it on. In the morning I spoke with them, when they were afterwards amazed, and I was inspired to say that this is all right, because now if one thinks or speaks evil, it is not mine, but of the evil spirits, so it is not appropriated to me. If I should believe that it is from myself, the evil would become my own, and if I make the evil my own, I would thus be adding evil in act to evil in act. If something is good, it is from the Lord, so I do not attribute to myself merit for thinking, speaking, doing what is good, thus neither do I commit sin. Therefore, anyone who believes the matter to be as it indeed is, that is, who has true faith, or the truth of faith, such persons are without [the danger of] then committing sin, and whatever evil they may seem to themselves to commit, then believing the matter to be as it indeed is, namely that it is evil spirits that have done it, and have persuaded them, the evil is therefore not appropriated to them.

[2] Those with whom I spoke, because many of them had been preachers, said that this is all right, wishing it to be the same with them, so that they could be without sin. But I was prompted to tell them that they could in no wise be without sin unless they have the faith of charity, which is not just to know, but to acknowledge and to believe, and that if they had acknowledged in this life, they receive in the other life still more acknowledgment; and then at the same time they must acknowledge that no one is able to have faith except from the Lord - nor can one believe this, nor be such, except from the Lord. They also affirmed this, because they had preached that faith if from the Lord Alone, but they had not acknowledged it. They declared further, that they had preached that when someone had committed an evil, they said that he had allowed himself to be led by the devil. When they had preached well, they said they had been led by the holy spirit, praying that the holy spirit may guide their thoughts and speech, but still, even though they had declared these things, they had not believed. This they acknowledged, and when let into the state [they were in] when speaking, or into the self-love that prompted them to say these things, then they admitted that it was so. 1749, 21 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4228

4228. When I spoke with them at an early hour they said that I was nothing, because I was impelled to thinking, to speaking, to everything, and therefore that I was nothing of myself, which indeed many spirits evidently perceived, for I have been now for four years in such a state that I have neither thought nor spoken anything from myself; but I still see that when I seem to be, as it were, myself, in thinking or speaking, yet upon inquiry there are others immediately found who have prompted it. When I spoke with them, therefore, in the morning, after they had wondered awhile, it was given to say that this was well, inasmuch as if there is anything evil thought or spoken, it is not mine, but proceeds from evil spirits, wherefore it is not appropriated by me. If I should believe that it was from myself, the evil would be properly appropriated to me, and thus I should add actual evil to actual evil. On the contrary, whatever is good is from the Lord; so that as I do not attribute merit to myself from thinking, speaking, or doing good, so neither do I commit sin therein. He, therefore, who is of such a character as to believe that the fact is as it is, that is, who is in true faith, or in the truth of faith, he is guiltless of then committing sin, and whatever evil he seems to himself to do, believing still the truth of the case to be what it is, that there are evil spirits who have been present and persuaded him to it, the evil is not then appropriated to him. As many of those with whom I conversed were preachers, they said that this was well, wishing the case to be their own in order that they might be free from [the guilt of] sin. But it was given to say to them that they could never be such unless they were in the faith of charity; that it was not sufficient merely to know the truth, but it must be acknowledged and believed; and if they acknowledged it in this life they would receive the ability to acknowledge it still more in the other life, and then they would be bound also to acknowledge that no one can possibly have faith except from the Lord, and also [sincerely] to believe this, and thus that it has no existence except from the Lord, which also they said; for they had preached that faith was from the Lord alone, but still they had not truly acknowledged it. It was farther said that they had so preached as to declare that when anyone did evil he suffered himself to be led by the devil; and as to themselves when they preached well, they said that they were led by the Holy Spirit, and they prayed that the Holy Spirit would guide their thoughts and words. But still although they had said this, they had not believed it; and this they acknowledged, for when they were remitted into the state of their speech, or into the self-love from which they had thus said, they confessed that the fact was so. - 1749, April 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 4228 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4228. Mane loquutus cum iis, dicebant quod nihil sum, quia ad cogitandum, ad et loquendum, ad omnia ferar, et sic nihil ex me, quod manifeste perceperunt multi, nam ita fui per 4 nunc annos, ut nihil ex me cogitavi, nec loquutus; sed videor usque quandoque quasi sim qui cogito et loquor; sed cum inquiritur illico inveniuntur ii, qui intulerunt: mane loquutus sum cum iis, cum postquam mirati, dicere datum, quod hoc bene sit, quia tunc si malum cogitat aut loquitur non meum sit, sed malorum spirituum, quare non appropiatur mihi, se crederem quod a me, appropriaretur malum mihi, si malum mihi, et sic adderem actuale malum, actuali malo; si bonum, tunc est a Domino, sic non tribuo mihi meritum ex bono cogitando, loquendo, faciendo, ita nec peccatum facio, quare qui talis est, ut credat quod res ita se habeat, sicut habet, hoc est qui in vera fide, seu in veritate fidei est, is est absque quod peccatum tunc committat, et committere quid malum sibi videatur, tunc credit quod res se habeat sicut habet, quod mali spiritus sint, qui fecerunt, et persuaserunt ei, ita non appropriatur ei malum: ii cum quibus loquutus, quia multi eorum fuerunt praedicatores, dicebant quod hoc bene sit, volentes similiter esse, ut possent esse absque peccato; sed dicere datum iis, quod nusquam possint tales esse, nisi sint in fide charitatis, non est scire, sed est agnoscere et credere, si agnoverint in vita, quod accipiant in altera vita adhuc plus agnoscere, et tunc simul agnoscere debent, quod nullus habere possit fidem, quam a Domino, ita hoc credere, et ita esse nisi a Domino, quod quoque dicebant, quia praedicarunt fidem esse a Solo Domino, sed non agnoverunt. Dictum porro, quod ita praedicarunt, cum malum quis fecit, quod dixerint eum passum se duci a diabolo; cum praedicarunt bene, dixerunt quod ducti sint a spiritu sancto, et orant, ut spiritus sanctus ducat eorum cogitationes et loquelas, sed usque tametsi ita dixerunt, non crediderunt; hoc agnoscebant, et missi in statum loquelae suae tunc, seu in amorem sui ex eo quod itadixerunt, tunc fassi quod ita esset. 1749, 21 April.

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