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《灵界经历》 第4229节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4229

4229. About marriage love

Marriage love is the fundamental of all mutual love, mutual love being that one wishes for another better than for oneself. But the tie of marriage love is closer. Not only does one experience the highest happiness in giving himself completely to his married partner, and being united as one mind, but it is also the love of preservation of the whole human race, being the mercy of the Lord toward the universal human race, which streams into marriage love, and thence with the partners, into their marriage love, the love of procreation of offspring, and the love itself of the offspring. And, moreover, they are also so created that their minds and hearts may be ever more closely united 1749, 21 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4229


Conjugial love is the fundamental of all mutual love. Mutual love is to wish better for another than for one's self; but the tie of conjugial love is still closer. One in that relation not only experiences the highest felicity in giving himself up to his conjugial partner, that their minds may be united as one but this love is the love of the conservation of the whole human race; it is the Lord's mercy towards the universal human race which inflows into conjugial love, and from thence into the conjugial love of married partners flows the love of procreating offspring, and the love of offspring itself; and they are moreover so created that their minds [mentes] and minds [animi] may be more and more closely united. - 1749, April 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 4229 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4229. De amore conjugiali

Amor conjugialis est fundamentalis omnis amoris mutui; amor mutuus est ut velit alteri melius quam sibi; sed arctior est conjuctio amoris conjugialis, non solum summam felicitatem in eo accipit, ut conjugi se totam det, et uniantur mente sicut unum, sed etiam est amor conservationis totius generis humani, est misericordia Domini erga universum genus humanum, Quae influit in amorem conjugialem, inde apud conjuges in amorem eorum conjugialem amor procreandi sobolem, et ipse amor erga sobolem; et praeterea sunt quoque ita creati, ut mentes et animi eorum, unitius uniantur. 1749, 21 April.

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