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《灵界经历》 第423节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 423

423. 1Quakers especially, when they enter the other life, worship a cloud, on their knees

Someone appeared to me vaguely, like a cloud, kneeling, who was worshipping a cloud. When I inquired what this was, I was told that Quakers are subject to such a fantasy, because they make up a heaven for themselves out of their own fantasy, not knowing what is truly heavenly, or what faith is. For they fashion the heaven they long for, and this is turned into a corresponding fantasy; nor could it be otherwise, because they will not allow themselves to be taught by others, nor by the Word of God the Messiah, but cling to their assumed principles, believing they are ruled by the holy spirit, when yet nothing could be less true.

For there are spirits who do not know what heaven is, and who the lord of heaven is, yet want to be hailed as the holy spirit. That group is being increased by Quaker souls, but they are distinguished from [other] spirits by a white line around the head of two of them, for they usually appear in pairs. "Enthusiastic spirits" is what they call the simple ones who only repeat their adopted principles and teachings, and so arouse enthusiasm. Such enthusiasm they very highly value, so that they can be personalities and can put themselves forth as the holy spirit. 1747, the 30th day of December.


1. 422 does not occur in the original.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 423


There appeared to me obscurely one like a cloud, bent upon his knees, who was adoring a cloud. When I inquired what that was, it was said that Quakers are governed by such a phantasy, because they fashion for themselves a heaven out of their phantasy, and do not know what is truly heavenly, or what faith is, for they wish for and fashion a heaven [for themselves]. These things are turned into a similar phantasy. Nor can it be otherwise, because they do not suffer themselves to be instructed by others, nor by the Word of God Messiah, but cleave to the principles they have adopted, and suppose that they are governed by the Holy Spirit, when nevertheless nothing is less true; for there are spirits who do not know what heaven is, nor who is the Lord of heaven, but still desire to be saluted as the Holy Spirit. Quaker souls increase that crowd, but they are distinguished from [other] spirits by a white line around the head of two of them, since for the most part they appear in pairs. They are called by them simple Enthusiastic spirits who only speak from their adopted principles and doctrines, and so excite enthusiasm which they esteem most particularly, so that they can be men and show themselves to be the Holy Spirit. 1747, Dec. 30.


1. There is no n. 422 in the manuscript.

Experientiae Spirituales 423 (original Latin 1748-1764)

423. Quod Quakeri imprimis, dum in alteram vitam intrant, adorent nubem, in genuflexu 1


Apparuit mihi unus obscure, genuflexus 2

, sicut nubes, qui adorabat nubem, dum inquirerem quid id, dicebatur, quod tali phantasia regantur Quakeri, quia coelum sibi fingunt ex sua phantasia, et ignorant quid vere coeleste, vel quid fides, nam coelum optant, et fingunt, ea vertuntur in similem phantasiam, nec aliter fieri potest, quia non se instrui patiuntur ab aliis, nec 3

a Verbo Dei Messiae, sed inhaerent suis captis principiis, et putent se a spiritu sancto regi, cum tamen nihil minus, sunt enim spiritus, qui non cognoscunt quid coelum, et quis dominus coeli, sed usque cupiunt salutari ut spiritus sanctus, turbam istam augent 4

animae quakerianae, sed distinguuntur a spiritibus per lineam albam circum caput duorum 5

, nam utplurimum duo apparent; vocantur ab iis spiritus Enthusiastici, simplices, qui solum ex principiis eorum captis, et doctrinis, loquuntur, et sic excitant enthusiasmum, quem maximopere aestimant, ut possint homines esse, et se spiritum sanctum ostentare. 1747, die 30 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has in genuflexi sed forte ii genuflexi

1. 422 deest

2. The Manuscript has obscure genuflexus

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

4. exitus manu B. Chasianier attactus

5. supra duorum manu B. Chasianier erronee scriptum deorsum; eadem manu duorum in deorsum mutatum

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