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《灵界经历》 第424节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 424

424. To [new] souls, the Gospel is preached just as it is on earth

It may strike everyone as remarkable, though nothing is more true, that the Gospel is preached to souls in the same way as on earth, and in fact with the same sort of preaching, zeal, eloquence of expression. For they all believe themselves to be on earth, as often mentioned before. Strange as this may be, I can affirm that nothing is more true.

But the Gospel is preached only to those who are to be let out of the pit, and to some others as well. I know, too, from much evidence, that different ones also are speaking with souls, and preaching; but the Word has no effectiveness except that which is given by God the Messiah.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 424


It may seem wonderful to everyone, although nothing is more true, that the Gospel is preached to souls in like manner as on earth, and indeed, by like preaching, and with zeal and an elegant connection of words, for they all suppose that they are men on earth, as frequently said above. Although this is so wonderful, I can positively assert that nothing is more true. But the Gospel is only preached to those who are to be sent forth out of the pit, and also to certain others. That others also speak with souls and likewise preach, I know also from many things, but there is no efficacy of the Word except that which is given by God Messiah.

Experientiae Spirituales 424 (original Latin 1748-1764)

424. Quod animabus praedicetur Evangelium prorsus sicut in terra

Hoc mirabile unicuique obvenire potest, tametsi nihil verius, quod Evangelium praedicetur animabus, simili modo ac in terra, et quidem simili praedicatione, et cum zelo, et concinno 1

verborum nexu, nam autumant omnes se esse 2

in terris, ut saepius prius, hoc tam mirabile, usque tamen asseverare possum quod nihil verius; sed evangelium solum praedicatur coram iis, qui e fovea emittendi, et coram quibusdam aliis quoque. Quod etiam loquantur cum animabus, et praedicent quoque alii, hoc quoque scio ex multis, sed efficacia Verbi nulla est nisi quae datur a Deo Messia.


1. The Manuscript has coo

2. The Manuscript has se homines esse, ubi linea deletionis infra homines apparet

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