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《灵界经历》 第4230节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4230

4230. On faith alone, and adulteries therefrom

According to the qualities of the things that come forth in the spiritual world, they are turned into portrayals in the earthly world of spirits. There were some, spoken of earlier [4227 ff.], who by virtue of faith alone imagined that they were able to be saved, no matter how they had lived, whether in adulteries, or in hatreds, or in luxuries. When they were speaking among themselves about faith alone, separated from charity, there came forth in the world of spirits most obscene portrayals of adulteries, which made me shudder. This shows clearly what kind of a spiritual quality that faith is, and that that aura flows into the aura of most filthy adultery, and that the two agree.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4230


Whatever things exist in the spiritual world are turned into representatives, according to their qualities, in the natural world of spirits. There were some, concerning whom I have spoken before, who believed salvation to be by faith alone, however men may have lived, whether in adulteries, or in hatreds, or in luxuries, and when these spoke with each other concerning faith alone, or faith separate from charity, there existed thence in the world of spirits, the most obscene representations of adulteries at which I shuddered. From this it appears what kind of a spiritual principle pertains to this doctrine, and that its sphere flows into the sphere of the foulest adultery, with which it agrees.

Experientiae Spirituales 4230 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4230. De sola fide, inde adulteria

Quae in mundo spirituali existunt, secundum ea, qualia sunt, vertuntur in repraesentationes in mundo spirituum naturali; fuerunt, de quibus prius [4227 ff.], qui ex sola fide salvari se posse putarunt, utcunque viverunt, sive in adulteriis, sive in odiis, sive in luxuriis, ii inter se loquentes, de sola fide, separata a charitate, inde existebant in mundo spirituum obscoenissimae repraesentationes adulteriorum, quas horrueram, inde patet, quale spirituale tale sit, et quod sphaera illa influat in sphaeram adulterii spurcissimi, et concordent.

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