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《灵界经历》 第4232节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4232

4232. About a change of societies

It was observed that a spirit, and even more so an angel, changes societies in accordance with his own changes of state, something that is taking place constantly; but he is transferred by the Lord into societies after societies, at the Lord's good pleasure. I have at times noticed clearly being transferred into different societies, and that I had now receded from those I had been with before, and had advanced to others. It appeared just like a crossing over from place to place, or a removal downwards, to the left, to the right, or upwards. I then spoke with the spirits I had been with before, quite far away, and who complained, and then with those to whom I had advanced, thus through the societies one after the other even to that society to which it had pleased the Lord for me to come. This has happened to me often. It is a kind of pilgrimage, so to speak. I arrived today at a certain polite society. 1749, 23 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4232


It was observed that a spirit, and still more an angel, changes his society according to the changes of his state, which takes place continually; but they are transferred by the Lord from one society to another, according to his good pleasure. Whenever I have clearly observed that I was translated into other societies and thus removed from those with which I previously was, the accession to such others seemed like a kind of transmigration, or a removal upwards, downwards, to the right or to the left. I then spoke with the spirits whom I had left as having now become remote, at which they complained, and then with those to which I approached, and so on through different societies in order till I reached that to which it was the Lord's good pleasure [to conduct me]. This has happened to me very often, and is a kind of journeying. Today I came to a certain civil society. - 1749, April 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 4232 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4232. De mutatione quoad societates

Observatum quod spiritus, magis adhuc angelus societates mutet secundum status sui mutationes, quod fit continue; sed a Domino in alias et alias societates transmittatur, ex beneplacito Domini; quandoque observavi manifeste, quod translatus in alias societates, et tunc quod recesserim ab illis cum quibus prius fui, et accesserim ad alias, apparuit sicut transmigratio, seu remotio deorsum, sinistrorsum, dextrorsum, sursum, loquutus tunc cum spiritibus cum quibus prius, remotioribus, quod et conquesti, et dein cum illis ad quos accessi, ita per societates ordine usque ad illam, ad quam beneplacuit Domino; quod mihi contigit saepe, est quasi peregrinatio quaedam. Perveni hodie ad societatem civilem quandam. 1749, 23 April.

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