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《灵界经历》 第4233节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4233

4233. About a polite society in the other life

There are many societies that are polite societies, and should be so called, because they exercise civility toward everyone, not so much from the heart as from the mouth, but still harboring nothing of evil and falsity at heart. For example, they would say to a guest that his coming is pleasing and welcome, or when they would like him to depart, that they have some business to attend to, and like gestures. But still, they do not lie from some deceptive or evil motive, but they are accustomed to speaking in this way from their life in the body, in order to obtain their object.

They are good spirits. I spoke with them about this, and was inspired to say that speaking in this way does not matter, since there is nothing evil in it. The angels do not see anything but the intention, the purpose, or the will, and are unaware of their words. So when the intention, purpose, will, in which there is life, is good, then let the words fall as they may - with the proviso for those who have conscience that nothing should be said contrary to what one thinks.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4233


There are many societies which are properly to be called civil, inasmuch as they perform civil offices to everyone, not perhaps so truly from the heart as from the mouth, though still not bearing anything [positively] evil or false in their hearts; as when they say to a guest that his coming is grateful and acceptable, and so when they wish his departure, that they have business in hand, and the like; yet in all this they do not falsify from a purpose to deceive or to do evil, but they are accustomed thus to speak, from their life in the body, in order to obtain their object. They are a good kind of spirits, and I spoke with them on this very point, when it was given to say that it mattered not if they spoke in this style, as nothing of evil was couched under it, nor do the angels perceive anything else than the intention, end, or will; they know not the words employed; wherefore when the intention, end, or will, in which is the life [of conduct], is good, then the words may fall as they shall chance, only that due regard is to be had for those who conscientiously believe that nothing should be said contrary to what one thinks.

Experientiae Spirituales 4233 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4233. De societate civili in altera vita

Sunt plures societates quae sunt societates civiles, ita appellandae, quia unicuique civilitatem praestant, non ita ex corde sed ex ore, sed usque nihil mali et falsi in corde gerentes, ut quod dicant hospiti, quod gratus sit et acceptus ejus adventus; tum quod habeant quid negotii, cum velint ut discedant, et similia, sed usque non mentiuntur ex fine fallendi, aut malum faciendi, sed ita soliti dicere, ex vita in corpore, ut possint obtinere, ii sunt boni spiritus, loquutus cum iis de eo, et dicere datum, quod perinde sit, ita dicere, cum nihil mali inest, angeli nec percipiunt nisi quam intentionem, finem, seu voluntatem, non sciunt verba eorum, quare cum intentio, finis, voluntas, quibus est vita, bona, tunc verba cadant utcunque cadunt, modo pro iis qui conscientiam habent ut nihil loquendum nisi quod cogitat.

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