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《灵界经历》 第4242节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4242

4242. About angelic spirits, and about the Word, and societies

Angelic spirits are various in character, and most distinctly arranged in societies. They are at a middle distance between the angel, and good spirits, and the angels flow into them, and they flow into good spirits. When they are in their own societies or among themselves, they are not conscious of people on earth, and yet they flow into them in a variety of ways, depending on the essence of mutual love with them. I spoke with them about this, and they said they did not know anything about man, but I told them that I consciously sensed their inflow.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4242


Angelic spirits are of various genius. They are most distinctly arranged in societies; they are in a middle distance between angels and good spirits; the angels flow into them, and they flow into good spirits. While in their own societies or among themselves, they know nothing of man; still they inflow in divers modes into man, but altogether according to the essence of his mutual love. I have spoken with them on this subject, and they said that they knew nothing of man, but I replied that I distinctly perceived their influx.

Experientiae Spirituales 4242 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4242. De spiritibus angelicis, deque Verbo, et societatibus

Spiritus angelici sunt variae indolis, in societates distinctissimi; illi sunt in media distantia inter angelos, et spiritus bonos; et in hos influunt angeli, et hi influunt in spiritus bonos; cum in societatibus suis seu inter se, non sciunt quicquam de homine, sed usque influunt in hominem diversimode, prorsus secundum amoris mutui essentiam apud eos; loquutus cum iis, de hoc; dixerunt quod non sciant quicquam de homine, sed iis dixi quod influxum eorum sensibiliter percepi.

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