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《灵界经历》 第4250节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4250

4250. About the life of spirits

About inward wakefulness

About spirits seen of old, as by Abraham

In my sleep at night, when it was completely night and nothing was visible, then I was conducted into a state of inward wakefulness, which was such that I knew absolutely nothing else but that I was awake. I thought as if awake, I saw as if awake, I was convinced that I was, so that I believed I was entirely awake. But it was an inward wakefulness, one of the spirit in me, not of the body, as I then enjoyed the full use of all the senses, with the same acumen and perspicuity. I seemed to myself to be in bed, and there was a little boy there with me, and it seemed to me that there was someone sitting near me who appeared just like a person on earth, so dressed, having a human face and similar speech. He told his name, but I was prompted to tell him that even though he so appears, yet he is a spirit. This it was granted me to show him, for when he touched me with his hand and arm, they went right through mine, but afterwards it also happened differently and they did not pass through mine, and my sense of touch was entirely as when I am awake.

[2] Afterwards there came another man with a larger face, with whom I also spoke. He appeared entirely as a person on earth, also dressed. Then there came others, also women, who appeared to me entirely as in full daylight, with whom I also spoke. Also seen was a bed spread most beautifully with white sheets, on which was the little boy. Then there was also a man closed up in a kind of room, whereupon I called a certain other to see this man who was closed up, asking whether he judged that this was a spirit so closed up, since he appeared alive as a person on earth. Finally I came out of this wakeful state of the spirit into one of bodily wakefulness, and I was surprised to find it was a dark night, and I spoke with those I had been with in that state of inward wakefulness, and heard them saying that a person on earth can easily be brought back into such a state, but that at this day it is not permitted; and that Abraham had been brought back into that state when he saw angels, then also Lot, and Gideon, when they saw angels. Then they said that they live in that state of wakefulness of the spirit, and do not know otherwise than that they are people on earth, and that this happens with a person on earth not only in a state of sleep, but also in one of half wakefulness - even while walking, as has also happened with me two or three times. Hence it has been granted me to learn how the case was with angels in the Jewish Church. When I have awakened otherwise, and in the usual manner, I have also seen spirits, which has happened very frequently. 1749, the night between 1 and 2 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4250


In a dream by night when there was nothing at all visible, I was led into a state of interior wakefulness of such a nature that I knew absolutely nothing else than that I was fully awake. I thought as if awake, I saw as if awake, I was in a wakeful persuasion of being awake, and had not the least contrary impression. But there was within me an interior wakefulness or that of the spirit, not of the body, as I then enjoyed the full use of all the senses, and was possessed of ordinary acumen and perspicacity. I seemed to myself to be in a bed in company with a small boy, and there was seen a certain person sitting near me, who appeared in all respects as a man - in his dress, his countenance, and his speech; he even mentioned his name, and it was given to say to him that although he thus appeared, yet he was a spirit, and this it was given to evince by the fact that when he would touch me with his hand and arms, he actually passed through my body, though subsequently the experiment was made with a different result, as he did not pass through, and the sensation of touch was felt just as in the waking state. There afterwards came to me another man, having a larger face, with whom I spoke; he seemed entirely like a man, and clothed. Then there came others, and also several women, who appeared to me as in clear day, and with whom also I conversed. The bed mentioned, whereupon lay also the boy, appeared to be most beautifully spread with white counterpanes. A man was also seen shut up in a certain inner chamber, and I called another person to look at this inmate of the chamber and to say whether it could be supposed that he was a spirit, seeing he looked to the life like a man on the earth. At length I came out of this wakefulness of the spirit into bodily wakefulness, and gave way to wonder at what I had seen, as the night was entirely dark. I then spoke with those with whom I had been in that interior wakefulness, and heard them speak in return. They said that it was easy for man to be reduced into such a state, but that at this day it is not permitted; as also that Abraham was brought into this state when he saw the angels, as likewise were Lot and Gideon when angels appeared to them. They then observed that spirits may live in such a kind of wakefulness, nor know otherwise than that they are themselves the men in whom they are, and that they may do this not only while the man is asleep, but also when fully awake, and even while walking, as has two or three times happened to me. It was hence given me to know how the case was in regard to the angels seen in the Jewish Church. When I have been awakened in a manner different from usual, I have also very often seen spirits. - 1749, nothing else between May 1 and 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 4250 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4250. De vita spirituum

De vigilia interiore

De visis spiritibus olim ut Abrahamo

In somno, in nocte, quando prorsus erat nox nihil visum, tunc perductus sum in statum vigiliae interioris, quae talis erat, ut prorsus nescirem aliud quam quod vigil essem, similiter cogitavi, similiter vidi, similiter persuasus quod vigil, sic ut crederem me prorsus vigilem, sed erat vigilia interior seu spiritus in me, non corporis, tunc omnibus sensibus gavisus, simili acumine et perspicacia: videbar mihi in lecto, et ibi puerulus mecum, et visus mihi quidam sedens prope me, qui prorsus apparuit sicut homo, vestitus, facies ei prorsus, loquela similis, dixit nomen suum, at dicere ei datum quod tametsi ita appareat, usque quod sit spiritus, et hoc ei ostendere dabatur per quod cum me manu et brachia tangeret, quod transiret meum, sed postea quoque aliter, quod non transiret, erat sensus tactus prorsus sicut dum vigil. Postea venit alius vir majore facie, cum quo etiam loquutus; visus prorsus ut homo, etiam vestitus: dein venerunt aliae, et quoque faeminae, quae mihi visae prorsus sicut in clara die, cum quibus etiam loquutus: visus etiam lectus stratus pulchre albis, qui pulcherrime stratus, ubi quoque puerulus; tum quoque vir in conclavi quodam inclusus, vocavi tunc alium quendam, ut videret hunc inclusum, num arbitrari possit, quod hic spiritus sit, qui inclusus, cum ita ad vivum apparuit ut homo in terra; tandem e vigilia hac spiritus veni in vigiliam corporis, et miratus, erat obscura nox; et loquutus cum illis, cum quibus in vigilia illa interiori, et audivi; dicebant quod in talem statum facile reduci queat homo, sed hodie non permittitur, quodque in talem statum redactus fuit Abraham cum vidit angelos, tum Lothus, et Gideon, cum viderunt angelos. Tunc dicebant, quod in tali vigilia vivant spiritus, nec aliter sciant quam quod homines sint: et quod hoc non solum fiat in somno, sed etiam in media vigilia apud hominem, cum ambulat, quod etiam mecum factum bis vel ter: inde mihi nosse datum, quomodo se habuit cum angelis visis in Ecclesia Judaica. Cum evigilatus aliter et solito [modo] vidi quoque spirtus, quod saepissime factum. 1749, nox inter 1 et 2 Maj.

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