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《灵界经历》 第4256节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4256

4256. 1About the speech and the thought of angels

The speech and thought of angels is ineffable. They are intent upon nothing else but purposes, consequently uses, which are ineffably numerous and constitute ineffable series which a person on earth cannot comprehend, being in comparison to the ideas of the person in worldly things, beyond number. Their speech and thought consists of uses, which are purposes, in which they are held by the Lord, for the Kingdom of the Lord is a Kingdom of uses and purposes, whence all and the very least things come forth and continue. The angels who rule mankind regard nothing else but purposes, of which man is ignorant. Therefore, they abhor those who have evil purposes, who hate the neighbor, and adulterers, because they destroy marriages and marriage love, and so on. These particulars were clearly understood by the angels with me. 1749, 5 May.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally in the manuscript by a wavy vertical line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4256


The speech and the thought of angels is ineffable; they regard nothing but ends, and consequently uses, which are countless in number, and existing in ineffable series, wholly beyond the comprehension of man; compared to the ideas of man on worldly subjects they are indefinite; their speech and their thought are altogether from uses which are ends, and in these they are held by the Lord, for the Lord's kingdom is a kingdom of uses and ends, from which all and single things exist and subsist. The angels that govern man regard nothing else but ends, of which man knows nothing, wherefore they hold in aversion those that have evil ends, such as the haters of the neighbor and adulterers, because they destroy marriages and conjugial love, and so on. These things were manifestly perceived from the angels that were with me. - 1749, May 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 4256 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4256. De angelorum loquela et cogitatione

Angelorum loquela et cogitatio est ineffabilis, nihil aliud intendunt quam fines, proinde usus, qui ineffabili numero sunt, et ineffabiles series, quas homo comprehendere nequit, sunt respective ad ideas hominis in mundanis indefinitae, ex usibus, qui sunt fines, eorum loquela et cogitatio; in quibus tenentur a Domino, nam Regnum Domini est Regnum usuum et finium, inde omnia et singula existunt et subsistunt. Angeli qui regunt hominem, nihil aliud quam fines spectant, quos homo nescit, quare eos qui fines malos habent, odio habent proximum, adulteros, quia conjugia destruunt et amorem conjugialem, abhorrent, et sic porro. Haec percepta manifeste sunt, ab angelis apud me. 1749, 5 Maj.

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