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《灵界经历》 第426节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 426

426. The souls of the dead, if they do not retain their fantasies and are not led by their fantasies, cannot be guided to inner knowledge, and thus prepared for Heaven

At this day, when there is no belief, hardly anyone could be made ready for heaven in the other life, because of the upside-down order of [their] life, unless nothing but fantasies prevail, or hallucinations of the senses. These reside in the [newly arrived] souls in their earthly or lower minds, where the main life of people living at this day centers.

Such souls, filled with so many fantasies, are not broken - that is, their fantasies cannot be dispelled or extinguished all at once, for thus they would be broken, and nothing of their own emotional life would be left, for it is composed of pure fantasy.

This is supported by so much evidence that there can be no doubt about it. There is an insanity in everything, which rules the life and makes up the life of [such] a person. Just now, a certain one was abandoned by the spirits who were functioning together with him, and it then appeared as if he were not alive; when thus deprived of his fantasies, he was thought to be dead. But even this could not prove anything, except that a person cannot enter into the other life like this. In such a condition, he can learn nothing. 1747, the 30th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 426


At this day when there is no faith, and scarcely anyone could have been prepared for heaven in the other life, because in an inverted order of life, there are mere phantasies or hallucinations of the senses, which remain in souls, that is, in their natural mind, or "animus", where the life of the man living at this day especially is. This soul, full of so many phantasies, is not broken, that is, his phantasies cannot be immediately shaken off or extinguished, for thus the man would be broken and nothing as to his sensitive life would remain, for it is composed of mere phantasies. This can be confirmed from so many things that no doubt whatever can be raised against it. There is insanity in all things, and this insanity governs and composes the life of man. A certain one has now been left by the spirits who were acting together with him; he then appeared as though he were not alive, being thus deprived of phantasies. He was supposed to be as if dead. But still this could only demonstrate that such a man cannot enter into the other life; in such a state he can learn nothing. 1747, Dec. 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 426 (original Latin 1748-1764)

426. Animae mortuorum, nisi phantasias retineant 1

, et per phantasias ducantur, non possunt duci ad cognitiones, et sic praeparari ad Coelum

Hodie, quando nulla fides, ne 1

vix unus 2

potuisset ad coelum praeparari in altera vita, quia 3

in inverso ordine vitae, merae sunt phantasiae, seu hallucinationes sensuum, quae remanent in animabus seu mente eorum naturali, aut animo, ubi hominis degentis praecipua hodie vita est; haec anima, tot phantasiis plena, non frangitur, hoc est, phantasiae ejus non possunt illico excuti aut exstingui, nam sic frangeretur homo, et nihil ejus quoad sensitivam vitam remaneret, nam ex meris phantasiis componitur, quod tam multis constare potest, ut nusquam inde dubium moveri queat, est insania in omnibus, quae regit vitam et componit vitam hominis; etiam quidam nunc relictus est a spiritibus, qui simul cum eo agebant, tunc apparuit tanquam non vivus, sic destitutus phantasiis, putatus quasi mortuus, sed hoc usque nihil demonstrare potuit, praeter quod homo non talis intrare possit in alteram vitam; in tali statu, nihil discere potest. 1747, die 30 Dec.


1. hoc verbum manu B. Chasianier attactum esse videtur

1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition ac

2. intellexerim ne [eveniat quod] vix unus

3. The Manuscript has vita; quia

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