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《灵界经历》 第425节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 425

425. There are some who are continually building houses

Once again I saw and heard those spirits speaking and giving an account, who build houses and palaces, but which are torn down by others [392-393], and then built again. Whenever they are broken down, they grieve that they cannot live in them because they are torn down. Busy at this work are those who had been seen before with faces on both sides, also some with a single face, for about the same reason as before [393].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 425


I have again seen and heard those speaking and narrating who build houses and palaces which nevertheless are destroyed by others, and so they are re-built as often as they are destroyed [see n. 392. They grieve, for they cannot inhabit them because they are destroyed. Those who were seen before, whose faces turned in both directions, hasten the work forward. There are also those who have a simple face, from an almost similar cause, as before said.

Experientiae Spirituales 425 (original Latin 1748-1764)

425. Sunt qui continuo aedificant domos

Iterum vidi et audivi loquentes et narrantes, eos qui domos et palatia aedificant; quae usque ab aliis destruuntur [392-393], et sic reaedificantur, quoties destruuntur dolent, nam 1

eas inhabitare non possunt quia destruuntur; instant operi, qui prius visi erant quibus facies utrinque [393], sunt etiam qui simplici facie, fere ex simili causa, ut prius.


1. In the Manuscript non vel deletum, vel in nam emendatum

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