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《灵界经历》 第4260节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4260

4260. About heaven and heavenly joy, which they had supposed could be given to everyone

There was a spirit with me who said he had supposed that everyone could obtain heavenly joy, no matter how they had lived, if it should please the Lord. But I was prompted to tell him that they cannot, because they have acquired a different life that is not concordant with heavenly life, and that if they should be given its joy, their life would be destroyed, so that it would be no life, so that they could hardly live.

But he said that still certain evil people in the world are also able at times to lay aside bodily and worldly enjoyments, so he had thought that after the life of the body people would forget bodily and worldly things, and would then come into heavenly life. But he was told that this is not possible before the life he had acquired is demolished, and as far as certain ones being able to lay them aside in certain states - even the evil - this was shown to be so, but when these states change, they go back to their own life. 1749, 6 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4260


There was a spirit with me who said he had supposed that everyone could be made a possessor of heavenly joy, however he had lived, if it seemed good to the Lord. But it was given to reply that the thing is not possible, because the evil have acquired to themselves another life which does not accord with the heavenly life. If [this kind of] joy were given them, their life would be destroyed, or would come so near it, that they could scarcely be said to live. But he said that certain of the evil in the world could, upon occasion, lay aside corporeal and worldly things, and he therefore could not see why they might not, after the life of the body, forego and forget everything of this kind and come into the heavenly life. But it was again replied that this could not be, except by the previous destruction of the life which one has acquired to himself. As to what may occur in certain states, it was shown that even the wicked may have transient good impressions, but when these states are changed, they return again to their own life. - 1749, May 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 4260 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4260. De coelo et gaudio coelesti, quod putaverint unicuique dari posse

Erat spiritus apud me, qui dixit se putavisse, quod unusquisque posset habere gaudium coeleste, utcunque vixerit, si Domino beneplaceret, sed ei dicere datum, quod non possint, quia aliam vitam sibi acquisiverunt, quae non concordat cum vita coelesti, si daretur iis gaudium, quod destrueretur vita eorum, sic ut foret nulla, ita vix vivere possent; sed dixit, quod usque quidam mali in mundo possint suis temporibus etiam corporea et mundana rejicere, ideo putavit quod post vitam corporis obliviscerentur corporeorum et mundanorum, et sic venirent in vitam coelestem; sed dictum ei, quod haec non possit, prius quam destruatur vita quam sibi acquisivit, et quod quidam possint in certis statibus, ostensum est, quod etiam mali, sed cum hi status mutantur, redeunt ad vitam suam. 1749, 6 Maj.

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