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《灵界经历》 第4259节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4259

4259. Memory after death

Souls and spirits do not know who they had been

Souls [recently arrived] and spirits do not know who they had been, except from others who have a mental image of them, who are then aroused. Then they know, but soon they no longer know. I spoke with spirits, and said that if they knew who they had been, this could be of very great harm to them. For then they would think about themselves, giving rise to many bad things, self-love, self-merit, and then others would find out, and they would be idolized, and if they were enemies, they would be exposed to their hatred and vengeance - thus neither would they be able to be perfected. But when they do not know who they are, then they are able to be reformed and perfected, not knowing but that they were from among the poor and the lowly; and so forth. 1749, 6 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4259


Souls know not who they were [in this life], except from others who have an idea of their identity, and then being thereby excited they know it, but the knowledge is presently lost. In conversing with spirits it was said that if souls were aware of their identity, it would be the greatest detriment to them, as they would then be thinking concerning themselves, which would give rise to many evils, as self-love, merit, & c. Others also would know them and thence they would be liable to become their idols; and if enemies, they would be exposed to their hatred and revenge; thus they could not be perfected. But when they are ignorant of who they are, they can be reformed and perfected, not knowing but that they are poor and vile, and so on. - 1749, May 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 4259 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4259. Memoria post mortem

Quod animae et spiritus non sciant quinam fuerunt

Non sciunt animae quinam fuerunt, nisi ab aliis qui eam ideam habent, tunc excitantur, et sic sciunt, sed mox nesciunt: loquutus cum spiritibus, dictum, quod si scirent quinam fuerunt, hoc iis maximo damno esset, tunc cogitarent de se, inde multa mala, sui amor, meritum, sic alii scirent, inde forent idola eorum, si inimici exponerentur eorum odiis et vindictis: ita nec possent perfici, at cum non sciunt quinam sunt, tunc possunt reformari et perfici, nescientes an non nisi pauperes, viles, et sic porro. 1749, 6 Maj.

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