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《灵界经历》 第4266节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4266

4266. In affection is everything, thus in caring for others

It was realized and shown that in affection is everything, and that it is only variations of feelings that produce mental imagery, and then speech, and that a single feeling contains innumerable things which, as they flow into the thought are varied in numberless ways. This showed also that spiritual qualities are from heavenly ones, or that faith is from charity, or truth from goodness - thus such as the goodness is, such is the truth. 1749, 8 May. I spoke with angels about these same points, by whom they were demonstrated, and confirmed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4266


It was perceived and shown that everything depends upon affection, and that it is merely variations of affections which produce ideas and thus speech, and that one affection contains within it things innumerable which are varied indefinitely as they flow into thought. It thence appeared that spiritual things are from celestial, or faith from charity, or truth from goodness, thus that the true, in regard to its quality, is as the good. - 1749, May 8. I spoke at the same time on those points with the angels, by whom the above was shown and confirmed.

Experientiae Spirituales 4266 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4266. Quod in affectione sit omne, ita in charitate

Perceptum et ostensum quod in affectione sit omne, et quod modo sint variationes affectionum quae producunt ideas, et sic loquelam, et quod una affectio innumera contineat, quae sicut influunt in cogitationem, variantur, in indefinitum, inde constabat quoque quod spiritualia a coelestibus, seu fides a charitate, aut verum a bono, ita quale bonum tale verum. 1749, 8 Maj. Loquutus simul cum angelis, de iisdem, a quibus ostensum, et confirmatum.

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