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《灵界经历》 第4267节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4267

4267. 1The angels' thought and speech consists only of purposes

At times I have realized and spoken to spirits about the fact that the angels care for and see inwardly nothing else but ends, nor do they extract anything else from human thoughts, neither taking note of nor caring for all the rest; also about the fact that their thought and speech consists of nothing but purposes, consequently of uses. This is also the reason why their thought and speech is so far removed from man's consciousness, which centers on personal concerns. 1749, 9 May.


1. This paragraph in the manuscript is marginally emphasized by a wavy vertical line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4267


It was often perceived and made a subject of conversation with spirits, that angels neither care for nor perceive anything else than ends; nor do they eliminate anything else from the thoughts of man. As to other things, they do not know them nor care for them. Their thought and speech is solely of ends, thence of uses, and it is for this reason that their thought and speech are so remote from the perception of man, which is of particular or material things. - 1749, May 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 4267 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4267. Quod angelorum cogitatio et loquela sit modo finium

Perceptum aliquoties, et loquutum cum spiritibus, quod angeli nihil aliud curent et percipiant quam fines, nihilque aliud eliment ex cogitationibus hominis, caetera iis non nota sunt, nec curant; et quod illorum cogitatio et loquela non sit nisi finium, proinde usuum, quare etiam cogitatio et loquela eorum tam remota est a perceptione hominis, quae particularium est. 1749, 9 Maj.

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