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《灵界经历》 第4271节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4271

4271. Good spirits, and angels even more, delight in being with a person on earth who is caring

There are spirits with a person on earth, also angels, good spirits with those who are caring, which spirits are mediums of many societies. The things that stream in from the angels are received according to the person's quality, or love. When he or she is imbued with charity, life with the angels is joyful and delightful, for they have a connection with the mental imagery of the person's memory, for they are grounded in it. Therefore angels and good spirits can have a joyful life there.

It is different with an evil person, because the receiving vessels are contrary, into which good things can indeed flow through the angels, but are corrupted, so that they cannot stay there on account of the repugnances that are sensed. 1749, 14 May. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4271


There are good spirits with man, and also angels; good spirits with those who are in charity, which spirits are the subjects of many societies. Whatever inflows from the angels is received by man according to his quality or his love while he is in charity; then the life with the angels is pleasant and delightful, for they have connection with the ideas of man's memory, in which their own terminate; wherefore angels and good spirits come to them in the delight of their life. It is otherwise with an evil man, for his recipient vessels are contrary, into which indeed goods may flow through the angels, but they are perverted, wherefore they are unable to dwell there on account of the repugnances which are perceived. Upon these things I spoke with spirits. - 1749, May 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 4271 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4271. Quod spiritus boni, magis angeli apud hominem qui in charitate delectant se

Sunt spiritus apud hominem, etiam angeli, spiritus boni apud eos, qui in charitate, qui spiritus sunt subjecta plurium societatum; quae ab angelis influunt, recipiuntur ab homine secundum ejus qualitatem seu ejus amorem, cum in charitate est, tunc penes angelos vita est jucunda et delitiosa, nam nexum habent cum ideis memoriae apud hominem, nam in illis terminantur, quare angeli et spiritus boni in jucunda vita ibi esse possunt, aliter apud hominem malum, quia recipientia ejus vasa, sunt contraria, in quae quidem influere possunt bona per angelos, sed pervertuntur, quare ita ibi morari nequeunt, sunt repugnantiae quae percipiuntur; de his loquutus cum spiritibus. 1749, 14 Maj.

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