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《灵界经历》 第4272节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4272

4272. About inflow

I was shown vividly and to my very senses how the case is with inflow, that it consists of general feelings, like a river, or rivers constantly streaming in, or it is a general feeling thus flowing, like a stream constantly varying itself, but in a wonderful way, as if it were an atmospheric river. All who are in the river, or those rivers, are affected according to each one's genius, for it is received according to each one's genius, and they behave in that general river all differently, according to each one's character. It is, for example, just as if a single wheel within were driven in different ways by a larger, general force, or just as in the body, from a single motion of the heart and lungs, all the motions of the internal organs are produced, so all and every one is moved within this general river of heaven, which consists only of feelings thus flowing and affecting all individuals, and in such a way that no one can fall beyond the boundaries of the feeling.

In the meanwhile I spoke with the angels while I was in such a river, and it was shown in a living way what this general affection was like and how it rolled itself over, so to speak, and that I was then able to be in different thought, and yet to be in it with variation, still being driven by the same stream, or to be held in the general stream.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4272


It was shown to me to the life and to the sense how the case is with influx, that it is, as it were, a river of general affections, or rivers unceasingly flowing; or it is a general affection flowing as if it were a continual stream, and varying itself in a wonderful manner. It resembles an atmospheric stream, and all who are in that river, or in those rivers, are affected each according to his peculiar genius, for it is in this manner received, and in that common river acts according to each one's genius, somewhat like, for example, a wheel driven by a prevailing force, but inwardly acted upon by various counter forces; or as in the human body, all the motions of the several viscera are still controlled by the single motion of the heart and lungs; thus it is with all and each within the sweep of this general river of heaven, which is composed solely of affections thus flowing, and affecting every particular, so that no one can escape beyond the bounds of affection. In the meantime I spoke with angels while I was in such a river, and it was shown to the life how this operated as a general affecting principle, and that it rolled itself as it were, in such a way that I could then have been in another train of thought, and yet in it with variety, and still be impelled by that same river or be determined according to a general influence.

Experientiae Spirituales 4272 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4272. De Influxu

Ostensum mihi ad vivum et ad sensum, quomodo se habet cum influxu, quod sit affectionum communium, sicut fluvius, aut continui fluvii, influentes, seu est affectio communis ita fluens, quasi continuus fluvius, et se varians, sed mirabiliter, quasi foret flumen atmosphaericum, omnes qui in fluvio seu fluviis istis sunt, afficiuntur secundum cujusvis genium, nam recipitur secundum cujusvis genium, et in fluvio isto communi agit cum omni varietate, secundum ejus indolem, sicut, ut pro exemplo, una rota intus diversimode acta, a communi majori, seu sicut in corpore, ex unico cordis et pulmonum motu, omnes viscerum motus, ita omnes et singuli intra communem hunc coeli fluvium, qui est solum affectionum ita fluentium, et afficientium singulos, et ita, ut extra terminos affectionis nemo possit elabi. Loquutus interea cum angelis, cum in tali fluvio eram, et ostensum ad vivum, quomodo hoc commune afficiens esset, et se quasi volveret, et quod ego tunc potuissem in alia cogitatione esse, et usque in ea esse cum varietate, et usque ab eodem fluvio agi, seu in communi determinari.

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