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《灵界经历》 第4275节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4275

4275. All evil is from mankind, and by the Lord evil is foreseen, not provided


Evil spirits always want to attribute the evil of punishment to the Lord, but they were often told that all evil is from mankind, and that evil is foreseen not provided by the Lord. The reason is that since human beings are such as to believe they can do good, also the evil they do is theirs and is accounted to them. It would be different if they were to believe it was not from them, but from evil spirits, and were therefore confirmed in the truth of faith, and in the faith itself that pertains to charity. Then the evil would not be appropriated to them.

It was granted me to portray to them a large, extensive Library, which is an easy thing to do in the other life, where all the books can be filled with arguments that evil is from the Lord. Everyone could produce thousands of arguments to support this. Nevertheless it was portrayed that on the spine of all of them was written that all evil is from mankind, and that evil is foreseen by the Lord, not provided. It was also declared that if any who would not believe this until it was proved to them, then everything in the books would convince them it was not so, but that falsities are truths. Nevertheless, the case is as stated. 1749, 17 May. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mercury, meaning Wednesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4275


Evil spirits are constantly disposed to attribute the evil of punishment to the Lord, but it was often said to them that every evil is from man, and that it is previded, or foreseen, but not provided by the Lord; for since man's nature is such that he believes himself able to do good, the evil which he does is appropriated to him, whereas it would be otherwise did he believe it to be not from himself, but from evil spirits. If man were in the truth of faith, and in the faith which is of charity, evil would not then be appropriated to him. It was given to represent to them a large and extensive library - which is easily done in the other life - where all the books could be filled with arguments going to prove that evil is from the Lord, everyone containing a thousand arguments; but yet it was represented as written on the back of all of them, that every evil is from man, and that evil was previded and not provided by the Lord. It was said, moreover, that if one would not believe this before it was proved, then everything within the books would confirm him in the belief that it was not so, and that the false was true; nevertheless, such as I have stated is the fact. - 1749, May 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 4275 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4275. Quod omne malum ab homine, et quod a Domino malum praevisum non provisum


Mali spiritus volunt jugiter malum poenae tribuere Domino, sed dictum iis saepe, quod omne malum ab homine, et quod malum praevisum non provisum a Domino, quia homo cum talis, ut credat se bonum facere posse, etiam ei malum est, quod facit, et ei appropriatur, aliter si crederet non ab eo sed a spiritibus malis, et sic in veritate fidei esset, inque ipsa fide quae est charitatis, tunc non ei adpropriaretur malum, repraesentare eis dabatur, magnam Bibliothekam, extensam, quod facile est in altera vita, ubi omnes libri impleri possunt argumentis, quod a Domino sit malum, quisque millia argumenta posset producere; sed usque repraesentatum quod a tergo inscriptum omnibus, quod omne malum ab homine, et quod malum praevisum a Domino, non provisum: dictum quoque qui hoc non prius vult credere, quam quod evincatur, quod tunc omnia quae in libris confirmarent eum quod non ita sit, sed quod falsa sint vera; sed usque tamen hoc ita se habet. 1749, 17 Maj.

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