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《灵界经历》 第4277节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4277

4277. About those who impersonate others

There are those who impersonate others so skillfully that it can hardly be detected, both when they are being punished so as to substitute others and escape themselves, and apart from punishments when they are frightened or ashamed. Many such spirits exist, who have been shown how wicked this is. They suffer miserably the punishments of dismemberment and flogging, and then at the same time they keep on casting the blame on others - nor are they freed from the punishment until this behavior ceases. One spirit sustained it for a very long time, and was still of this character. 1749, 17 May. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mercury, meaning Wednesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4277


There are those who induce upon themselves so dexterously the persons of others, that the deception can scarcely be detected, and that not only when they are suffering punishment, by substituting others with a view to escape themselves, but also apart from punishment under the influence of terror or shame. There are multitudes of such, to whom it was shown how nefarious is such conduct. They suffer miserably the punishment of discerption or reverberation, and they are then possessed with the idea of casting the blame upon others; still they are not freed from punishment till they have abandoned such a prompting. A certain spirit persisted and bore his punishment for a very long time, and yet continued unaltered. - 1749, May 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 4277 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4277. De iis qui aliorum personas inducunt

Sunt qui aliorum personas inducant tam dextre, ut vix aliter sciri possit, tam cum in poena sint, ut substituant alios, et se eripiant, quam extra poenas in terrore aut pudore; tales plures dantur, quibus ostensum quam nefandum sit, miserabiliter discerptionis seu reverberationis poenam subeunt, et tunc simul tenentur in eo, ut in alios conjiciant culpam, nec a poena liberantur, quam cum talis animus cessat: quidam perquam diu sustinuit, et usque talis fuit. 1749, 17 Maj.

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