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《灵界经历》 第428节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 428

428. There are very many varieties of heavenly pleasures and delights, in which is happiness

Those pleasures are called heavenly that come to the sensation of souls as though they were living in the body. There are pleasures which affect them so delightfully, that they can hardly bear any more. But there are delights that come from a still deeper source. In the pleasures there are different kinds of happiness, and in the delights, different kinds of heavenly marital joy. In short, there are very many levels of pleasures and delights, both as to different types and as to intensity; and these pleasures can be shared without lessening them in those who are sharing them. True pleasures and true delights have within them happiness, and happiness has peace, and peace innocence; so that true pleasures and delights come solely from God the Messiah as their only source. 1747, the 30th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 428


They are called heavenly enjoyments which exist sensitively with souls, as if they were living in the body. There are enjoyments which affect them so pleasantly that they can scarcely bear more. But there are delights that come from a still more interior source. In enjoyments there are types of happiness; in delights there are types of heavenly conjugial joy. In a word, there are very many degrees of enjoyments and of delights, both as to differences and intensity. These enjoyments are communicable without diminution with those who communicate them. True enjoyments and true delights have happiness in themselves, and in this there is peace, and in this innocence. Thus true enjoyments and delights come solely from God Messiah, as from their one only source. 1747, Dec. 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 428 (original Latin 1748-1764)

428. Sunt perplures varietates jucunditatum ac delitiarum coelestium, in quibus felicitas

Jucunditates coelestes vocantur, quae existunt sensitive penes animas, sicut viverent in corpore, sunt jucunditates quae tantum 1

afficiunt, amaene, ut vix plus sustinere possint, sed delitiae sunt, quae ab interiori fonte adhuc veniunt, in jucunditatibus sunt species felicitatis, in delitiis sunt species gaudii coelestis conjugialis, verbo sunt perplures gradus jucunditatum et delitiarum, tam quoad differentias, quam intensionem, et hae jucunditates communicabiles sunt, et absque diminutione penes eos, qui communicant, verae jucunditate 2

et verae delitiae in se habent felicitatem 3

, haec pacem, et haec innocentiam, ita verae jucunditates et delitiae unice a Deo Messia ut a suo fonte unico veniunt. 1747, die 30 Dec.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition malum

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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