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《灵界经历》 第4283节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4283

4283. About female tricksters

Certain female spirits were separated from the sirens, because they were not adulteresses, and had been brought back into society, and become more refined spirits, who were with me for a long time, because they were under the auspices and guidance of good spirits, or of others more refined.

Because they were under such auspices and guidance, they appeared for a long time to be quite proper, but because they always wanted to be in charge, and were revengeful, they were separated, and cast into the societies of sirens. Finally when purged, they become such as are of service to the sphincter of the urethra. 1749, 26 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4283


There were certain female spirits separated from the sirens, because they had not been adulteresses, and brought into society, and thus rendered spirits of more subtlety. These were with me for a long time, because they were under the auspices and conduct of good spirits or of others more subtle, and from living under such a tutelage they appeared for some time sufficiently docile, but as they were always in the spirit of ruling, and were vindictive, they were separated and cast into the societies of sirens. These, when finally vastated, become such as I have described, and subserve the sphincter urethrae. - 1749, May 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 4283 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4283. De praestigiatricibus

Fuerunt quaedam a sirenibus separatae, quia non adulterae, et reductae in societatem, factaeque subtiliores spiritus, quae diu mecum fuerunt, quia fuerunt sub auspicio et ductu spirituum bonorum, vel aliorum subtiliorum, quia sub tali auspicio et ductu fuerunt, apparuerunt diu satis aptae, sed quia semper imperare volebant, et vindicativae, separatae, et conjectae in societates sirenum; quae tandem cum vastantur fiunt tales, inservientes sphincteri urethrae. 1749, 26 Maj.

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