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《灵界经历》 第4282节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4282

4282. Such do those become who had been the sons and daughters of the Church, and they become idolaters, and they said they had known nothing about God, nor had they been interested, and they had lived badly in their marriages, believing there would be nothing more than bodily life, so that after death, after purgings of such long duration, this is what they had become. Such also do those finally after centuries become, who are in the Church, and they become inward idolaters, for their life, even though it appears human by virtue of their sociability and politeness, is still but an animal life. And so, after centuries, they retain but little of spiritual life, and are able finally to perform vile uses, such as those pertaining to the anus. 1749, 26 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4282

4282. Those became such who were the sons or daughters of the Church, and fell into idolatry; they said that they had neither known nor cared anything for God, that they had lived unhappily in wedlock, believing in nothing but the life of the body; wherefore after death they become such as I have described. Those that were in the Church are at length, after many centuries, reduced to this state, and they become interior idolaters, for their life, although it appears human from their excelling in ingenuity of discourse and [a certain] polish, is yet an animal life, and thus after ages have passed they retain next to nothing of spiritual life, and finally are enabled to subserve the vilest uses, such as those above mentioned. - 1749, May 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 4282 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4282. Tales fiunt qui fuerunt Ecclesiae filii vel filiae, et fiunt idololatrae, et dixerunt quod nihil sciverint de Deo, nec curaverint, et vixerint male in conjugiis, nihil credentes fore, quam vita in corpore, quare post mortem, post vastationes tam longi temporis, tales facti sunt: tales etiam fiunt tandem post saecula ii qui in Ecclesia sunt, et fiunt interiores idololatrae, nam vita eorum tametsi apparet humana, ex eo quod ingenio conversationis et decori polleant, usque tamen est vita animalis, et sic parum vitae spiritualis retinent post saecula, et tandem inservire possunt pro vilissimis usibus, ut pro talibus quae sunt ani. 1749, 26 Maj.

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