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《灵界经历》 第4286节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4286

4286. These things were told to spirits, and in addition, that it is the reigning evil itself that is the cause, of which everyone is a part. It was attributed to all around me symbolically, but because they could not do otherwise, since they are spirits, therefore it was abolished. It was said, moreover, that the reigning evil itself is properly the devil, hence the whole world of evil spirits, and hence each evil spirit. 1749, 28 1May. They said that the same thing would apply to them, because it is so, that it flows in from the whole evil world of spirits, and thus they are not to blame, and it is the same with people on earth, that all things flow in, nor are they to blame; and that the case is the same as with me.

But I was prompted to reply that if they believe or acknowledge that it is true, they are not doing it from themselves and on their own power, and they must then be guiltless and free [of the evil], but if they do not acknowledge and believe this is so, but that they are acting from themselves and on their own, then they are to blame, and the evil cannot but be appropriated to them. To know by itself is not to acknowledge, and to declare and want it to be so, in order to be held blameless, and not to acknowledge, accomplishes nothing. It is a far-fetched argument outside of themselves that is not valid in their case. But if they acknowledge and believe, then they are separated from evil spirits, and come to good ones, and then they are ruled by goodness, that is by the Lord.


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4286

4286. These things were said in conversing with spirits, and moreover that it is the ruling evil which does the mischief, of which everyone is a part. This was conveyed [derivebatur] to all around me representatively, but because, from their being spirits, they could not do otherwise [than fall into this representative evil], it was therefore abolished. It was said, moreover, that ruling evil itself is properly the devil, thence the whole world of spirits, and thence every individual evil spirit. - 1749, May 28. These spirits said the case was the same with them also, as from the influx of the whole world of spirits being evil they are not in fault, and so also with men, as everything is from influx, neither are they are in fault, and that it is with them as it is with me; but it was given to reply that if they believe or acknowledge that the fact is that they do not act from themselves or from their own proprium, they would be wholly guiltless, but if they do not acknowledge or believe this, but believe that they act from themselves or from their own proprium, then they are guilty, and evil cannot but be appropriated to them. Barely to know is not to acknowledge, and to say and to wish it to be so, and yet not to acknowledge it, amounts to nothing; it is merely to take an argument for granted, which will not avail them. But if they acknowledge and believe, they are separated from evil spirits and come to the good, and are ruled by good, that is, by the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 4286 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4286. Haec dicta sunt spiritibus, et adhuc quod ipsum malum regnans sit quod faciat, cujus unusquisque est pars, derivabatur etiam in omnes circum me repraesentative, sed quia non potuerunt aliter, cum spiritus sunt, ideo abolebatur: dictum etiam quod ipsum malum regnans est "diabolus" proprie, inde mundus malorum spirituum totus, et inde quilibet spiritus malus. 1749, 28 Maj. Dicebant, quod simile foret iis quoque, quia ita est, ut a toto mundo spirituum malo influat, et sic non in culpa, et quod homines ita, quod omnia influant, nec in culpa, quodque res se haberent similiter ac apud me, sed respondere datum, quod si credant aut agnoscant, quod ita se habeat, quod non ex se aut proprio faciant, quod sic forent insontes et liberi, at si non agnoscunt et credunt, quod ita se res habeat, sed quod ex semet agant, et ex proprio, quod in culpa sint, et quod non possit aliter ac malum eis approprietur: scire modo non est agnoscere, et ita dicere et velle, ut inculpati sint, et non agnoscere, nihil facit, est argumentum petitum extra eos, quod non valet apud eos; at si agnoscunt et credunt, quod tunc separentur a malis spiritibus, et veniant ad bonos, et sic reguntur a bono, hoc est a Domino.

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