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《灵界经历》 第4287节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4287

4287. How innumerable societies conspire toward a single principle of falsity, thus how much there is in a single mental image

Thought is the image of the person

I realized clearly, having spoken with spirits about the matter, and it was acknowledged, that a single mental image of falsity engages innumerable societies conspiring together, but all in diverse ways - some directly, some obliquely, some with an evil motive, some with a good motive, some out of malice, some from a good intention, some from ignorance - so that there are innumerable societies that compose a single mental image of falsity, such as those who make faith the essential above charity, or those who place merit in their piety, or in some other way, some in simplicity of heart, some with evil at heart.

[2] A person's opinion or assumed principle is like a nucleus. As long as one is captivated by it, all other things are like rays of various colors that complete the mental picture. This was vividly shown to me, and I spoke with those who had been engrossed in this, with others in that mental image, some in front a little toward the right, some above at the back, all having different motives, but still conspiring together. This shows how harmful it is when man or spirit is immersed in falsity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4287


It was manifestly perceived and spoken of with spirits, by whom it was acknowledged, that one idea of the false has innumerable societies conspiring to it, but all diversely, some directly, some indirectly, some from an end of evil, some from an end of good, some from malice, some from good will, some from ignorance - so numerous are they that contribute to make up one idea of the false. Thus, for instance, let one make faith essential in preference to charity, or let one place merit in piety, or the like, some will conspire with a simple heart, some with an evil one. The opinion in which a man is, or his assumed principle, is a kind of nucleus, as long as he is in it, from which other things are as rays diversely variegated and going to make up the idea. This was shown to me to the life, and I spoke with those who were, one in such an idea, another in another, some in front a little to the right, some above behind, but all from a different end, and yet all conspiring, from which it appears what damage ensues when a man or a spirit is in falsity.

Experientiae Spirituales 4287 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4287. Quomodo innumerae societates conspirent ad unum principium falsi, sic quantum in una idea, et quod cogitatio sit imago hominis

Manifeste perceptum, et de eo cum spiritibus loquutus, et agnitum, quod una idea falsi habeat innumeras societates conspirantes, sed omnes diversimode, quaedam directe, quaedam oblique, quaedam ob finem mali, quaedam ob finem boni, quaedam ex malitia, quaedam bona intentione, quaedam ignorantia, ut sint innumerae, quae componunt unam ideam falsi, sicut qui fidem facit essentialem prae charitate, aut qui meritum ponunt in pietate, aut aliter, quaedam simplici corde, quaedam malo corde; opinio in qua est homo seu captavit principium est sicut nucleus, dum in eo est, inde caetera sunt sicut radii varie variegati et conficiunt ideam: hoc mihi ostensum ad vivum, loquutus cum iis qui in tali idea fuerunt, cum aliis qui in tali, antrorsum versus dextrum paulo, supra a tergo, omnes ex alio fine, sed usque conspirantes, inde patet quid damni cum homo et spiritus in falso est.

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