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《灵界经历》 第4290节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4290

4290. Next he was led back into the state of his early childhood, and it was shown what he had then been like, and this in front of angels, and it was demonstrated that he never could have become different than he did, having been of this character as a little child. And it was also shown how every single act of his life was led by the Lord in such a way as to prevent him from plunging himself into the most grievous hell, into which he would have rushed if the very least whit of the Lord's constant providence had ceased. Angels are able to see almost at once, when it is shown by the Lord, all the acts of anyone's life, both those done by him as a little child, and those done by the same as a man. From this we may also learn that the Providence of the Lord is in the very least things. 1749, 2 June. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Venus, meaning Friday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4290

4290. He was afterwards reduced to the state of his infancy, and his quality fully disclosed in the presence of the angels, and it was demonstrated that from having been of such a character in his infancy he never could have been otherwise [than he was], and it was shown also how every single act of his life had been so overruled by the Lord as to prevent him from plunging himself into the most grievous hell, into which he would have rushed if the Lord's continual providence had ceased in the least degree. When it is shown by the Lord angels can see, almost at a glance, every act of the life of anyone, as much from its manifestations in infancy, as in adult age, whence it was also given to know that the Lord's providence operates in the most singular things. - 1749, June 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 4290 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4290. Redactus dein est in statum infantiae suae, et ostensus tunc qualis fuit, et hoc coram angelis, et demonstratum, quod nequaquam aliter fieri potuisset, cum talis infans, et ostensum quoque, quod singula acta vitae ejus a Domino ducta sint ita, ne in infernum gravissimum se praecipitaret, in quod ruisset, si minimum a providentia Domini, continua, cessavisset. Videre possunt angeli, fere simul, cum ostenditur a Domino, omnia acta vitae alicujus, tam ex illo cum infans, quam ex eodem cum vir; inde quoque scire datum quod Providentia Domini sit in singularissimis. 1749, 2 Junius.

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