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《灵界经历》 第4289节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4289

4289. About the Providence of the Lord in the very least things

There was a certain one who had become confirmed in the idea that nothing is of providence, but that all things flow forth from the thinking and prudence of man, and from fortune, though he knew not what it was. He was among refined evil spirits, because he had indulged more in thinking than in discussions and association with others. He applied everything he had come to see in the other life to the purpose of looking out for himself and of achieving blessedness on his own power. Since he was practicing, in keeping with his subtle nature, the wicked arts he had thus learned against the good, when I spoke about it he said that in so doing he was in his heaven, and that no other heaven could possibly exist, and that he makes it himself. He was told that this is hell, and that that bliss is turned into a dreadful hell - as he was also shown, for he was made to be such as he would become, and he was horrified, declaring that he had not believed this. He was told the reason for this, which was that he had confirmed himself in those principles. It was told by good spirits that he was worse than the rest due to the subtlety of his inflow against goodness and truth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4289


There was a certain one who had confirmed himself in the belief that there was no providence, but that all things flow from the thought and prudence of man, and from fortune, as to which, however, he knew not what it was. He was among the subtle evil spirits, because he had indulged more in thought than in discourse and conversation. He applied everything which he perceived in the other life to the end of promoting his own interest, as he was intent upon exalting himself. While thus acting in the subtlety of his nature with the most detestable artifice prompted by this motive, I spoke with him, and he said that he was in his own heaven while thus employed, and that no other heaven could be given, and this he made for himself. But it was replied that this was hell, and that such haughtiness was turned into a direful hell, which was also shown him. Being thus made what he would naturally become, he shuddered at himself, saying that he had not believed that such would be the result. The cause was then stated to him, viz., that he had confirmed himself in those principles. It was said by good spirits that he was worse than others by reason of his subtle influx against goodness and truth.

Experientiae Spirituales 4289 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4289. De providentia Domini in singularissimis

Quidam erat, qui se confirmaverat in eo, quod nihil providentiae sit, sed omnia ab hominis cogitatione et prudentia, tum a fortuna, quam nesciebat quid esset, profluant, is inter spiritus subtiles malos, quia plus cogitationi indulsit, quam sermoni et conversationi; is hausit omnia quae percipiebat in altera vita, fine, ut sibimet consuleret, et sic ex se posset esse faustus, cum ex artificiis nefandis ita captis ageret contra bonos, in subtili natura, loquutus cum eo, dicebat, quod in suo coelo esset, cum ita, et quod non aliud coelum possit dari, et quod sibi id faciat, cui dictum quod hoc sit infernum, et quod tale faustum vertatur in dirum infernum, quod etiam ei ostensum; talis enim factus, sicut futurus, et se horrescebat, dicens, quod hoc non crediderit; dicta ei causa, quod se confirmaverit in principiis illis; a spiritibus bonis dicebatur, quod is pejor reliquis per influxum subtilem contra bonum et verum.

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