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《灵界经历》 第4297节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4297

4297. About little children in heaven

Little children are educated and grow up. They are educated by means of higher knowledge, from the Lord through angels, and so far as they grow in higher knowledge, so far they appear to themselves more adult, for as higher knowledge increases, so does their spirit and mind, with the result that they appear to themselves as adults, and they become as angels. I was told that this is the case, and that the increase of understanding and judgment causes the little child to appear then as a youth and a man, both to him or herself, and to others, as is evident from experience, and was declared by the angels. 1749, 4 June.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4297


Infants are educated and grow [in heaven]; they are educated by knowledges derived from the Lord through the angels, and grow, as it were, by means of these knowledges, so that they appear to themselves to become more adult. As their knowledge is increased, so also is their mind [animus] and mind [mens], whence [as remarked] they seem to themselves to grow, and whence they become as angels, which was expressly made known to me as being the case. It may also appear from experience that intellect and judgment should cause [even a child] to appear as a youth and as a man. The fact was declared by the angels. - 1749, June 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 4297 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4297. De infantibus in coelo

Educantur et crescunt infantes, educantur per cognitiones, ex Domino per angelos, et sicut crescunt cognitionibus, ita sibi apparent adultiores, ut cognitio augetur ita animus et mens, inde apparent sibi adulti, fiuntque sicut angeli; hoc mihi dictum, quod ita se habeat: quod intellectus et judicium faciat ut appareat sic juvenis et vir, tam sibi quam aliis, ab experientia constare potest: dictum ab angelis. 1749, 4 Junius.

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