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《灵界经历》 第4298节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4298

4298. About the punishment of those who want to violate little children, and who they are

Sirens, as well as many others around me, were attempting to violate little children sent to me, and others, but were punished by being driven around, whirled, all of them, into a spiral motion, so that they were confused, and did not know at all where they were, as if they had lost their mind. The whirling motion was amazing. A certain one came back to me and said that he could never describe that state.

The punishment went on all around me. The punishers were some who in the life of the body had striven inwardly, or by thought, and by secret deception, to destroy others. It was said that they, and not others, were able to carry out this punishment, because it was a special punishment. They were just like insane people, the whirling around of thoughts having this effect, which was communicated to those, male and female, who were being punished. 1749, 5 1June.


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4298


The sirens and many others around me sought to violate the infants and others that were sent to me, but they were punished by being driven, whirled, or gyrated around, all of them together, in such a manner, that they became confused, and knew not where they were, like persons that had lost their senses. This circumgyration was wonderful; one who had suffered it returned to me and said that he could never describe such a state. The punishment went on around me; the punishers were those who, in the life of the body, had been inwardly intent, by study and clandestine machinations, upon destroying others, and it was said that so peculiar was this punishment that they could inflict it, but not others. They were under the influence of a kind of insanity, the effect of the circumvolution of their murderous thoughts, and this was communicated to the culprits, male and female, who were punished - 1749, June 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 4298 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4298. De poena eorum qui violare volunt infantes, et quinam

Sirenes, et plures alii circum me, infantes ad me missos et alios violare tentabant, sed puniti per circumactionem et circumgyrationem, in gyrum omnes illi, ut confusi fuerint et nesciverint prorsus ubinam, et quasi animo capti, circumgyratio erat mirabilis, quidam ad me redibat et dicebat, quod talem statum nusquam describere posset; pergebat haec poena circumcirca: punitores erant, qui in vita corporis studuerunt intus, seu cogitatione, et exercitio clandestino perdere alios, dictum quod ii possent talem poenam facere, alii non, quia poena erat singularis; erant sicut insani, circumrotatio cogitationum talis erat, quae communicata illis, qui et quae puniebantur. 1749, 5 Junius.

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