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《灵界经历》 第4315节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4315

4315. About comedians in the other life

I spoke with comedians in the other life, who are the kind that are able to copy, or seize upon and portray anything in such a skillful manner that it can hardly be distinguished at all from the original. For this reason they are of service to societies as mediums, displayed as portraying likenesses. They were not evil, nor could they be aroused to anger. When assailed they said (ar det sa 1), as if they understood nothing. Later they spoke about the matter. Both evil or good kinds can exist. They represent the teeth, as was shown by their being displayed as something like injured and aching teeth. Even though they speak quite well, yet they have not much life of their own. 1749, 27 June. 2


1. Swedish for "Is that so?"

2. Astrological symbol of Mars, meaning Tuesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4315


Conversing with comedians in the other life, I found that they were such as could simulate everything or seize upon and represent it in such a dexterous manner, that it could scarcely be distinguished from the original. For this reason they serve societies as mediums of lively representation. They were not evil, nor were they easily excited to anger. When anyone inveighed against them, they seemed to take no notice of it at the time, though they spoke of it afterwards. They can be led both by the evil and the good. They represent the teeth, which was also shown by their being made to appear as injured and aching teeth. Although they speak tolerably well, yet they have but little life of their own. - 1749, June 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 4315 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4315. De comoedis in altera vita

Loquutus cum comoedis in altera vita, illi sunt tales quod omnia possint assimilare, seu arripere et repraesentare, ita dextre ut vix differat quicquam, quare inserviunt societatibus pro mediis, ut repraesentativa sistantur ad similitudinem, non erant mali, non potuerunt irasci, quando iis invehebatur dicebant (ar det sa) 1

quasi nihil perciperent, sed postea loquuti, possunt ab utrisque dari malis et bonis, referunt dentes, quod quoque ostensum, sistebatur [aliquid] sicut dentes laesi, tunc indolebant; tametsi loquuntur, satis bene, usque non multum vitae habent suae. 1749, 27 Junius.


1. = estne ita?(verba suecica)

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