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《灵界经历》 第4314节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4314

4314. About the state of fear

There was a spirit who wanted to kill little children that came into sight, who had been hidden in my presence at the lower back quarter, but he was exposed by a knife that he had put into the hand of another, which was thrown back and had fallen down toward him. Having been thus exposed, he became humble to the extreme, for he was one of the kind who want to be well regarded in the other life, speaking in such humble words that the spirits could hardly tell otherwise but that he was as he seemed to be.

The discussion then turned to the state of fear, and the fact that there are some who, when in the state of fear, do not know otherwise than that he is good, and that he can become good. He wanted to humble himself to the Lord, even declaring that he was willing to abide in the lowest hell, and that he knew he belonged there, but all these words were uttered out of fear. When he was inspected by angels, they said he was a spirit of hell, into which he was accordingly cast. 1749, 25 June. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4314


There was a spirit who wished to frighten infants that were seen. He was concealed with me at the lower quarter behind, but he was manifested by a knife which he put into the hand of another, by whom however it was rejected, and thus fell back into his own, in consequence of which he was disclosed. He then began to supplicate with the greatest earnestness, for he was one who wished to appear good in the other life. He made use of such humble terms that the spirits could scarcely believe that he was any other than he seemed to be. Conversation was then had on the state of fear, in which it was said that when such persons are in a state of fear, it cannot be known but that they are good, or can become good. The spirit in this case would fain have been suppliant towards the Lord, and said he was willing to dwell in the lowest hell, and that he knew that he deserved it; but it was all the effect of fear; being inspected by the angels, they said that he was infernal, wherefore he was cast down thither. - 1749, June 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 4314 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4314. De statu timoris

Erat spiritus, qui infantes qui visi necare vellet, is reconditus fuit apud me, ad plagam inferiorem tergalem, sed manifestatus per cultrum quem misit in manum alterius, qui rejectus et ad illum cecidit, is tunc manifestatus, supplex factus in summo gradu, nam talis erat, ut vellet bene esse in altera vita, cum humilibus verbis, sic ut spiritus vix aliter scire possent, quam quod talis, loquutum tunc de statu timoris, quod quidam tales sint, cum in statu timoris, ut nesciatur aliter quam quod bonus, et quod possit fieri bonus; supplex esse voluit ad Dominum, etiam se dicebat velle morari in infimo inferno, et quod sciret quod talis, sed omnia ex timore, inspectus ab angelis, dicebant quod infernalis sit, quare illuc quoque conjectus. 1749, 25 Junius.

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