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《灵界经历》 第4325节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4325

4325. Not outer qualities, as in this life, but inner ones, are of account in the other life

I spoke with spirits about the outer assets pertaining to man in the life of the body, saying that they all have regard to human society, such as functions, or honors, riches, dwellings, subsistence for themselves and their own, and reputation on account of all these, these being the goals of outer life in the world. But in the other life they do not think about honors, riches, dwellings, clothing, food, because they have no need of those outer things, that pretense of decorum and respectability, and many more. Outer things should cease to be the goal, for which reason the person is indeed separated from them upon coming into the other life - especially those qualities that are a pretense and disagree with inner qualities - and is left to his or her inner qualities, such as the person had been, in which qualities his actual life should have consisted.

[2] For the spirits were displeased that they were not permitted to live in their courteous refinement, clothed in which they appeared respectable, but were inwardly evil - even preachers, who claimed that they had preached, had instructed, had done good, when they were in their outer qualities. Thus they spoke well, as they had done in the world, applying the teachings of the Word. But presently, when they were let back into their inner qualities, they were diabolic. For then their motives came into the open, namely, honors for themselves, wealth, hatred and malice, and many more. And it is a wonder that they are not aware of this when they are in their external qualities, for their thought is then engrossed in them; but they come into the open when those qualities are separated. 1749, 16 July. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4325


I conversed with spirits respecting the external things pertaining to man during his life in the body, that they all have respect to human society, to wit, functions and honors, riches, houses, clothing, subsistence for themselves and theirs, and distinction on these accounts. These are the ends of external life in the world. But in the other life they do not think of honors, riches, houses, clothing, or food; wherefore they have no need of those external things that minister to decorum and respectability, and of various other things, which men are prone to affect. Externals ought to cease with the cessation of such uses, wherefore a man, when he comes into the other life, is separated from them, especially because they are assumed and disagree with internals. He is therefore left to his internals such as distinguished him during his life-time, and in which his life must be supposed to have consisted. Spirits however are indignant that it is not permitted them to live in external show, while they remained in which they appeared respectable not withstanding they were interiorly in evil, which was the case with some preachers, who said they had preached, instructed, and done good, while they were in externals. They thus spoke well, as they did while in the world, by applying the things of the Word, but as soon as they were remitted into internals they were seen to be diabolical, for then their former ends appeared, which were of self-honor, wealth, hatreds and malignities, and the like. It is wonderful that they do not know this while they are in such externals, for their thoughts are engrossed by them; but it is all laid open when their externals are removed. - 1749, July 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 4325 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4325. Quod externa in altera vita nulla sint, qualia in corpore, sed interna

Loquutus cum spiritibus, de externis hominis in vita corporis, quod illa omnia spectent societatem humanam, sicut functiones seu honores, opes, domus, vestitum, victum suum et suorum, famam propter illa, haec sunt fines vitae externae in mundo; at in altera vita non cogitant de honoribus, opibus, domibus, vestitu, victu, quare externis illis non opus, decoris illis, et honestis, quae simulantur, et plura, cum fine talium cessare debent externa, quare etiam ab externis illis separatur homo cum venit in alteram vitam, imprimis quia simulata sunt, et dissentiunt ab internis, et relinquitur internis qualis fuit, in quibus ipsa ejus vita consistere debuit; indignati enim sunt spiritus quod non in externis decoris vivere liceret, in quibus cum essent, apparebant honesti sed in interioribus mali, etiam praedicatores qui dixerunt se praedicavisse, instruxisse, bonum fecisse, cum in externis erant, ita bene loquuti sunt, sicut dum in mundo, applicando illa quae sunt Verbi, sed mox ut remissi sunt in interna sua, diabolici erant, tunc enim fines qui ibi patebant, nempe honores sui, opum, odia et malitiae, et plura; et mirum hoc nesciunt ii tunc cum in externis sunt, nam cogitatio eorum est in iis, sed patent cum externa illa separantur. 1749, 16 Julius.

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