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《灵界经历》 第4326节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4326

4326. About punishments

The punishments of whipping and clashing together I have heard more often than I can possibly relate. For many hours they were beneath my left foot verging toward the right, and it is a wonder that all are being found who had been to blame. Those who were not guilty and yet are being summoned, even though they are in the midst of the punishment it does not harm them, and insofar as they had been companions or had a similar defect, so far they are punished, as it has been granted me to learn from experience.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4326


The punishments of reverberation and collision I have witnessed oftener than I can relate, and sometimes for hours together. They were a long time under the left foot verging to the right, and, what is wonderful, all who were guilty were discovered; those that were not guilty, although summoned and in the midst of the punishment, were unaffected by it; but as far as they have been accomplices or in similar fault, so far they are punished, which I know from the experience granted me.

Experientiae Spirituales 4326 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4326. De poenis

Poenas reverberationis et collisionis saepius audivi quam ut memorare possim, per tempora horaria, diu erant sub pede sinistro vergente ad dextrum, et mirum inveniuntur omnes qui fuerunt in culpa, qui non in culpa et arcessuntur tametsi in media poena sunt, [eos] poena non laedit, et quantum fuerunt socii aut in simili vitio, tantum puniuntur, quod scire ab experientia concessum.

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