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《灵界经历》 第4328节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4328

4328. The punishments take place in this way: the one being punished is kept by his companions as far as possible in the same desire, and is examined as to how much he sticks to it, or how much he recedes from it because of the punishment, nor is he freed from the punishment until he recedes from it, and improves. He undergoes an exquisite examination, so that it may appear that the desire has diminished. Some stick to it stubbornly, but they are not discharged before they become better. It is intensified and diminished depending on the stubbornness and character of the person.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4328

4328. These punishments are inflicted thus: he who is to undergo them is held, as far as possible, by his partners in a similar cupidity, and explored as to the degree in which he persists in it, and as to the degree in which he recedes in consequence of the punishment; nor is he discharged from the punishment until he recedes and becomes better. As far as this appears, which is determined by an exquisite exploration, the punishment is relaxed. Some contumaciously persist, but they are not discharged till they become better. The intensity and the relaxation of the punishment is proportioned to the contumacy and quality of the man.

Experientiae Spirituales 4328 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4328. Poenae fiunt ita, tenetur is qui punitur a sociis in simili cupiditate, quantum possunt, et exploratur quantum inhaeret eidem, et quantum per poenam recidit, nec a poena liberatur, priusquam recedit, et melior fit, ut appareat quod diminuta, hoc exquisite exploratur, quidam contumaciter inhaerent, sed non dimittuntur priusquam meliores fiant, intenditur et diminuitur secundum contumaciam et qualitatem hominis.

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