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《灵界经历》 第4336节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4336

4336. About symbolism and correspondences


In the inward aura, as well as those who are in the threshold of the second heaven, when they speak among themselves - the former from fallacies, the latter from appearances against the truths and good of faith, and of charity, their speech coming down into the world of spirits produces an aura of promiscuity and adultery, and then the evil flock to that place like crows to a carcass, and fill the aura with promiscuity and adulteries, and other obscenities, such that a good person cannot but shudder. Therefore in the Word, falsifications and perversions of truth and goodness are expressed by promiscuities and adulteries, and are so called. Hence it is evident that there is an actual correspondence between them. 1749, 30 July. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4336


In an interior sphere, and also with those who are on the threshold of another heaven, when they converse with each other - the one from fallacies, the other from appearances - against the truths and goods of faith and charity, their speech, in passing into the world of spirits produces a lascivious and adulterous sphere, to which the evil are attracted, as ravens to a carcass, and fill this sphere with such lewdness and adultery and every kind of obscenity, that no good spirit but shrinks from it with shuddering. Hence in the Word the falsifications and perversions of goodness and truth are expressed by whoredoms and adulteries, and are so called; whence it appears that there is an actual correspondence between the one and the other. - 1749, July 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 4336 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4336. De repraesentativis et correspondentiis Adulteria

In interiori sphaera, tum quoque illi qui in limine ad alterum coelum, cum inter se loquuntur illi ex fallaciis, hi ex apparentiis, adversus vera et bona fidei, et charitatis, loquela eorum cum delabitur in mundum spirituum, producit sphaeram meretriciam et adulterii, et tunc illuc alluunt mali, sicut corvi ad cadaver, et implent sphaeram meretricatu et adulteriis, et aliis obscoenis, ita ut bonus non possit non horrescere: inde in Verbo falsificationes et perversiones veri et boni exprimuntur per meretricatus et adulteria, et ita vocantur: inde patet, quod sibi correspondeant actualiter. 1749, 30 Julius.

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