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《灵界经历》 第4337节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4337

4337. About the spirits who are with man

I was shown by means of an actual experience, having been let into a state of perceiving how the matter stands, that the spirits with a person do not know but that they are the person which has been made known to me by very much experience from spirits who were with me. So they do not think differently from the person, but there issues from them an aura of thought and feeling, which was shown to me, in which the other spirits are. In it they speak and are affected in various ways according to the aura, each according to his own state. So spirits like himself or herself drift up to the person, and in that aura they remain, increasing it, and changing it, and arousing with the person agreeing [thoughts and feelings], doing so through the spirits with the person. For a person without spirits adjoined to him as if they were people on earth, cannot live. But such as the aura is, such are the spirits. Hence it is evident what kind of spirits are with those who think nothing else, and are moved by nothing else, than what concerns their passions, hatreds, revenges - where the carcass is, there are the crows [Matt. 24:28, Luke 17:27]. 1749, 30 July. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4337


Being remitted into a proper state it was shown me, by lively experience, how the case is with the spirits that are with man. They know no otherwise than that they are the man himself, as was abundantly evinced from my experience in regard to the spirits which were with me. Consequently they think no otherwise than the man thinks; but there is thence a sphere of thought and affection, which was shown me, and in which other spirits are. While in this sphere they speak and are affected variously according to their own state and the nature of the sphere; wherefore such spirits flock about a man according to his quality and remain in his sphere, making it more intense or changing it, and exciting it with the man by correspondence. This is done by the spirits that are with the man; for man cannot live without spirits adjoined to him who would fain be men themselves. Such as the sphere is, such are the spirits, whence it appears what kind of spirits are with those who think of nothing else and are affected by nothing else than cupidities, hatreds, and revenges. Where the carcass is, there the ravens are. - 1749, July 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 4337 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4337. De spiritibus qui apud hominem sunt

Ostensum mihi est per vivam experientiam, missus in statum, cum perceptione quomodo se habet, spiritus apud hominem, non sciunt aliter ac quod sint homo, quod permulta experientia a spiritibus qui penes me, notum mihi factum, quare ii non aliter cogitant ac homo, sed inde est sphaera cogitationis et affectionis, quae mihi ostensa, in qua sunt spiritus caeteri, in qua secundum sphaeram varie loquuntur, et afficiuntur, quisque secundum statum suum, quare tales spiritus ad hominem alluunt, qualis est, et in sphaera illa manent, et illam augent et mutant, et excitant apud hominem correspondentia; et hoc per spiritus qui apud hominem: nam homo absque spiritibus apud se ei adjunctis sicut ii forent homines, non vivere potest; qualis autem sphaera tales spiritus, exinde patet quales spiritus apud eos sint, qui nihil aliud cogitant, et nullo alio afficiuntur, quam quae sunt cupiditatum, odiorum, vindictarum, ubi cadaver ibi corvi [Matth. XXIV: 28, Luc. XVII: 27]. 1749, 30 Julius.

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