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《灵界经历》 第4338节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4338

4338. The Lord is father, son and holy spirit

I read the creed of Athanasius before spirits, and scholars, and angels, but no one was able to understand anything of it, indeed, the scholars could not even remember what was there. They knew that they had read it, but they had retained in their memory nothing more than that there were three persons, but that he is one, they said. When it was put to them what they had thought of the question whether there were three from eternity, or whether there were three eternal or increate beings, or one, then the scholars were not able to conceive otherwise than that there were three eternal beings, which goes against the creed of Athanasius. When they seized on the question whether there was one Lord from eternity, or three, they could not conceive otherwise than that there were three Lords, and thus, a conception contrary to the creed. Hence they admitted that their belief was not according to the creed, because they could not form an idea other than one of three. This shows that none of them could think otherwise than of three gods, even though they say that God is one. 1749, 1 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mars, meaning Tuesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4338


On reading the Athanasian Creed in the presence of spirits, of the learned, and of angels, I found that no one could comprehend anything of it, and that even the learned did not remember what it contained. They knew indeed that they had read it, but they retained in memory nothing more than that they had said that there were three persons but one [God]. When it was presented to their idea what they thought of the question, whether the three [persons] are from eternity, or whether there were three eternals and increates, or one, even the learned had no other idea than that there were three eternals, which is contrary to the Creed of Athanasius. When their minds were turned to the question whether there was one Lord from eternity, or three, they could not otherwise conceive than that there were three Lords, and this again was contrary to the Creed. They then confessed that they had not believed according to the Creed, as they could have no other idea than of three; whence it is evident that no one [of this class] can think otherwise than of three, however, he may say there is one God. - 1749, August 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 4338 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4338. Quod Dominus sit pater, filius et spiritus sanctus

Legi symbolum Athanasii coram spiritibus, et doctis, et angelis, sed nemo quicquam potuit comprehendere, imo docti ne quidem meminisse potuerunt quid ibi, quod [id] legerint, sciverunt, sed quod memoria [non] plus retinuerint, quam quod tres personae, sed unus sit, dixerunt; cum in ideam illis mitteretur quid cogitarent de hoc num tres ab aeterno, seu num tres aeterni et increati, vel num unus, tunc non potuerunt docti aliam ideam habere, quam quod tres aeterni, quod contra symbolum Athanasii; cum idea caperent num unus Dominus ab aeterno, vel num tres, non potuerunt aliter capere quam quod tres Domini, et sic, quod contra symbolum, inde fassi quod non crediderint secundum symbolum, quia ideam non potuerint habere quam trium, inde constare potest, quod nemo aliter possit quam cogitare de tribus diis, tametsi dicunt unum esse Deum. 1749, 1 Aug.

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