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《灵界经历》 第4349节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4349

4349. About the life of spirits and angels and people on earth

I realized clearly that there is nothing else that joins them together in the other life than the life itself of man, spirit and angel, for such as their life is, such is their joining together, [as individuals,] so also as societies, and all other things, not having to do with life, are of no regard in the other life, because they are of that life. 1749, 13 Aug. Therefore it was said to spirits who were boasting about their various merits in the world - about their diligence, religion, zeal, the good things they had done - when they saw that those whom they had adjudged on the basis of outward criteria to be evil were asked nothing in the other life but only what kind of life they had, thus what kind of a life they had imbibed by pursuing their goals and loves - this being put to them, they could not say anything, because from testified experience itself, they could not but acknowledge it. So the union is one of lives, not of knowledge, of oral confessions, or meritorious deeds, without charity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4349


I perceived beyond all doubt that there is nothing else which conjoins in the other life but the very life of man, spirit, and angel. Such as the life is such is the conjunction, even in societies; other things which are not of the life are not regarded in that world, for there everything is governed by the life. - 1749, August 13. Wherefore it was said to spirits who boasted of their various merits in the world, of their study, religion, zeal, and the good works done by them, and who had passed judgement upon others as evil from external manifestations, that no account was made of these things in the other world, but only of the life which they had led, thus of the quality of the life with which they had imbued themselves from their ends and loves. When this was affirmed they could say nothing in reply, for from the experience adduced they could not but acknowledge its truth. The union or conjunction, therefore, in that world is one that results from lives, and not from knowledges, professions of truth, merits, or deeds done without charity.

Experientiae Spirituales 4349 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4349. De vita spirituum et angelorum et hominum

Manifeste percepi, quod nihil aliud sit quod conjungat in altera vita, quam ipsamet vita hominis, spiritus et angeli, qualis est vita talis conjunctio, etiam in societates, et caetera quae non sunt vitae, non spectantur in altera vita, nam sunt ex vita, 1749, 13 Aug.; quare dictum spiritibus, qui jactabant se de meritis in mundo variis, studio, religione, zelo, bonis quae fecerunt, tunc cum viderent quos opinati sunt malos, ab externis, quod nihil quaeratur de iis in altera vita, sed modo qualem vitam habent, sic qualem vitam ex finibus aut amoribus sibi imbuerint; cum hoc dictum, nihil dicere poterant, quia ab ipsa experientia testata non potuerunt non agnoscere: quare vitarum est unio, non scientiarum, professionum oris, meritorum, factorum absque charitate.

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