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《灵界经历》 第4350节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4350

4350. About marriage love

I realized, and spoke with angels about the fact that in those who have true marriage love, the inward regions are opened up toward heaven and the Lord, for it is a feeling that streams in through the innermost region, from the Lord Alone, such that it cannot be described what it is like and where it comes from. Because it flows in in this way, it follows that the inner regions are opened, and that the person is in heavenly affection itself, and thus has the kingdom of the Lord with him or her, from which comes the love of little children. And being thus fit to receive heavenly loves, the person also receives mutual love toward the neighbor, for this follows from genuine marriage love, as from a kind of fountain. 1749, 13 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the sun, meaning Sunday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4350


In conversing with angels on the subject it was perceived that with those who are in true conjugial love the interiors are opened towards heaven and the Lord for it is an affection which derives its origin from the Lord alone, who flows in through the inmost, so that its quality and source cannot be adequately described; but it is a consequence of this influx that the interiors are opened, and that one who is the subject of it is in celestial affection, and thus has the Lord's kingdom within himself. From the same source also is derived the love towards infants, and because such an one is thus receptible of celestial loves, he receives also mutual love towards the neighbor, for this follows from genuine conjugial love as from a kind of fountain. - 1749, August 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 4350 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4350. De amore conjugiali

Perceptum, de quibus cum angelis loquutus, quod apud illos, qui in amore conjugiali vero sunt, aperiantur interiora versus coelum et Dominum, nam est affectio quae a Domino Solo, qui per intimum influit, sic ut describi nequeat qualis et unde, quia sic influit, sequitur quod aperiantur interiora, et quod sit in ipsa affectione coelesti, et sic habeat regnum Domini apud se, ex quo amor erga infantes, et quia est ita habilis recipiendi amores coelestes, etiam accipit amorem mutuum erga proximum, nam sequitur ex genuino amore conjugiali, ut a quodam fonte. 1749, 13 Aug.

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