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《灵界经历》 第4352节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4352

4352. About hypocrites and the deceitful

Spirits spoke with him and showed manifestly that hypocrites and the deceitful are much more stupid and foolish than others who openly declare what is right and true. On being examined it was found that he had imagined himself to be most clever and wise, and that no one saw through him, but that everyone was able to see the hypocrisy and deceit, that almost everyone is gifted with the ability to see when there is deceit and hypocrisy, and to see what kind of deceit and hypocrisy, even in his very least utterances, and that this sets such persons apart from others, so that they are not trusted at all, because everyone knows their character from brief dealings with them. And the fact that they think no one can see or find out about them is part of their foolishness, showing that they have less understanding than others. All the deceitful are like this. 1749, 14 Aug. 1This is even more the case in the other life, for they still continue to imagine that they are able to do all things, and that no one knows or notices, when yet just the opposite is true.


1. Astrological symbol of the moon, meaning Monday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4352


Spirits spoke with him, and clearly showed that hypocrites and the deceitful are far more foolish and stupid than others who openly utter what is right and true. It was found, upon his being explored, that he accounted himself most prudent and wise, supposing that no one closely observed him; whereas all could take note of his hypocrisy and deceit, which in fact is granted to nearly every man, who is thus enabled to detect both the fact and the quality of hypocrisy and deceit even in each particular of the utterance, and to see how it dissociates them from others, and prevents any confidence being reposed to them, for a very slight conversation enables them to know the truth. That they should think that no one could see and know this is to be attributed to their folly, and is a proof that they discern less than others. All the deceitful are of this character. - 1749, August 14. This holds still more in the other life, but they still retain the idea of their being able to do everything they wish, and that no one knows or observes them, when yet it is altogether the reverse.

Experientiae Spirituales 4352 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4352. De hypocritis et dolosis

Loquuti sunt cum eo spiritus, et manifeste ostenderunt, quod hypocritae et dolosi multo plus stulti et insipientes sint quam alii, qui rectum et verum loquuntur aperte; exploratus quod putaverit se prudentissimum et sapientem fuisse, quod nemo observaverit, sed quod omnes potuerint observare hypocrisin et dolum, quod paene unicuivis homini datum, sic videre quod dolus et hypocrisis, tum qualis dolus et hypocrisis, etiam in singulis quae dicit, et quod hoc dissociat eos ab aliis, nec iis confiditur quicquam, quia hoc sciunt omnes ex pauca conversatione; et quod illi putent neminem id posse videre et scire, quod sit insipientiae eorum, et quod sic minus quam alii capiant: omnes dolosi tales sunt, 1749, 14 Aug.; in altera vita adhuc magis, sed retinent hoc usque quod putent omnia posse, et neminem scire et animadvertere, cum tamen contrarium prorsus sit.

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