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《灵界经历》 第4351节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4351

4351. About the hypocrites spoken of just above, as well as the gnashing of teeth, and about cast-off coverings

What portrayals are like

The same hypocrite appeared [4348], when I wanted to drive him away, as if he would cast off coverings, that is, as if he would go out, shedding his outward parts like coverings, and as if he would go out like a little child - and this not just once, but many times - and would become more and more a little child, thus in a definite, distinct series, as said, and become an ever smaller little one, until he no longer appeared. Hence I was instructed that this was a portrayal of hypocrites. I spoke about this matter with good, and with angelic spirits, saying that it is from this portrayal that serpents actually do cast off their skins, serpents portraying the deceitful, and hence the portrayal actually existing in nature.

[2] The spirits seeking him, not thinking him to be in the coverings, because then he appeared to vanish, but it was said that he was still there, with the coverings, as serpents usually abide, because that gnashing kept on, and the pain in the teeth and the periosteum of the right jaw, even to the ear - which pain varied and was transferred all around at the right. I spoke with him, and he said that all he was thinking about was how he could exculpate himself and get rid of the thought that he was not of this character, and that he knew hardly anything of this portrayal, but had seen it from me. This shows the nature of portrayals, and the nature of hypocrisy. He had formerly been told that if he were to pass over into his inward nature, he would be a devil among the worst of them, but that as long as he remained in his outward thinking, he imagines himself to be good. Then also, because in his life he had harmed no one openly, but only in secret, he was not ever exposed as being devoid of compassion (Bergenstierna). It was he alone who was causing so much pain for so many days, which I had experienced in various ways - though he was not alone inwardly, for as he was their medium, I could not tell otherwise than that he was alone. 1749, 14 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of the moon, meaning Monday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4351


The hypocrite above mentioned, when I would have cast him off, appeared himself as if casting off exuviae, that is, as if coming out of his exteriors which he left as a serpent does his slough, and he would then issue forth as an infant, and that not for once only, but repeatedly, and every time became more and more an infant, thus passing through a series of changes, but still of a discrete character, as was said, and always becoming a smaller infant, till at length he disappeared altogether. I was hence instructed that such is the representation of hypocrites, and in conversation with good spirits and angels on the subject, learned that it was, from this representative that serpents do actually cast off their exuviae; for by serpents are represented the deceitful, and thence the corresponding effect occurring in actual nature. The spirits sought for him, not supposing that he was still in [or near] his exuviae, as he had appeared to vanish away; but it was said to them that he was still there where his exuviae were, as serpents still linger about the place where they have cast off their slough. This I inferred, because the gnashing and pain of the teeth continued, and the affection of the periosteum of the right jaw extending to the ear, which was varied and transferred from place to place over the entire right region of the head. In conversing with him he said that his whole study was to exculpate himself and to draw away the thought from himself as being the true cause, and that he knew nothing of this representation, though he perceived it from me. Hence the quality of representatives may be known, as also that of hypocrites. It was said to him, moreover, that if he should pass into his interior nature, he would become one of the worst of devils; but as long as he remained in exterior thought, he would think himself good. It was said also, that as he had been of such a quality during his life-time as to have injured no one openly, but only in secret, therefore as long as he remained undetected, he was void of compassion (:Bergenstierna:). It was he alone who affected me for several days with such severe pain, which was manifest in a variety of ways. I say he alone; for although as to interior influences there were many who conspired, yet operating as a subject, I could not know but that he was alone. - 1749, August 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 4351 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4351. De hypocritis de quibus mox prius ut et stridore dentium, deque exuviis

Repraesentativa qualia

Apparebat idem hypocrita [4348], cum vellem eum abigere, sicut quod exueret exuvias, nempe sicut exiret relictis exterioribus, sicut exuviis is exiret sicut infans hoc non una vice sed pluribus fieret infans magis magis, ita quadam serie, sed discreta sicut dictum factus semper minor infans, usque dum non apparuit, inde instructus, quod hypocritarum repraesentatio haec sit, loquutus de ea re cum spiritibus bonis angelicis, quod ex hoc repraesentativo sit, quod serpentes exuant exuvias, per serpentes repraesentantur dolosi inde repraesentatio in natura reali existente: quaerebant eum spiritus, non putabant eum esse in exuviis, quia sic apparebat evanescere, sed dictum quod adhuc ibi esset ubi exuviae, ut solent serpentes ibi habitare, quia perstabat stridor ille dolor dentium periostei dextrae maxillae usque aurem, qui dolor variabatur transferebatur circumcirca dextram, loquutus sum cum eo, dicebat quod solum cogitaret quomodo se exculparet sic subtraheretur cogitationi, quod non talis quod repraesentativum hoc non ita noverit, sed ex me perceperit; inde constat qualia repraesentativa quales hypocrises; dictum ei prius, si transiret in interiorem naturam quod diabolus esset inter pessimos, at quamdiu manet in exteriore cogitatione quod putet se esse bonum; tum quia talis fuit in vita, quod nemini nocuerit aperte, sed clanculum, quoties non detectum, nullius miserationis fuisset, (Bergenstierna) , erat solus qui tantum dolorem afficiebat per aliquot dies, quod expertum varie, tametsi non solus quoad interiora, quoad subjectum eorum non potui aliter scire quam quod solus. 1749, 14 Aug.

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