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《灵界经历》 第4354节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4354

4354. About little children in the other life

I saw a garden constructed not of trees, but of rather high leafy arches, with footpaths and entryways, and I saw a virgin walking in it - at that time a little child of 5 or 6 years. She was neatly dressed, and when she entered, there appeared most ornate wreathes joined together appeared above the entrance and shone with splendor as she entered. I was told that little girls see gardens like this, and that they seem to themselves to be walking and to be clothed, and to be adorned to perfection with new garments, exactly in this manner. That they are real to them is clear from the fact that they are real to a spirit, who cannot walk on paved roads and gravel streets, nor possess gardens like those on earth, but such things as correspond to the nature of spirits. Suffice it to say that they perceive those things as vividly - yea, more vividly - than people on earth do in gardens in the world, as I, too, have seen them when I have been in the spirit, and often at other times, as also the prophets did. 1749, 15 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mars, meaning Tuesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4354


I saw a garden, constructed not of trees, but of leafy arches somewhat lofty, with walks and entrance ways, and a virgin walking therein, and also an infant of five or six years old, which was beautifully clothed; and when she entered, the most exquisite wreaths of garlands of flowers sprung forth over the entrance, and shone with splendor as she approached. I was informed that little infant girls see objects in this manner, that they appear thus to walk and thus to be clothed, and to be adorned with new garments according to their perfection. That all this appears to them to the life may be inferred from the fact that such things are suitable to a spirit, who cannot walk upon a paved or graveled way, nor possess such gardens as exist on the earth, but such things only as correspond to the nature of a spirit. It is sufficient that they perceive them as vividly, yea, more, vividly, than men perceive similar things in gardens in this world, as I also have perceived them when I have been in the spirit, and often at other times, as did also the prophets. - 1749, August 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 4354 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4354. De infantibus in altera vita

Vidi hortum non constructum ex arboribus, sed transtris arboreis satis altis, cum ambulacris, et viis introituum, et ibi ambulantem virginem, tunc infantem, 5 vel 6 annorum, hanc concinne vestitam, et cum intrabat, serteae compages ornatissimae supra introitum [apparebant], quae tunc exsplendescebant cum intrabat; dictum mihi, quod puellae infantes ita videant, sibi prorsus appareant ita ambulare, et ita vestitae esse, et novis vestibus ornari secundum perfectionem; quod ad vivum illis sit, constare potest inde, quod spiritui talia, non ambulare potest spiritus super via lapidibus et arenis strata, nec habere hortos quales in terra, sed talia quae spirituum geniis correspondent: satis est, quod ita vive, et viventius illa percipiant, ac homines in hortis in mundo; sicut etiam ego vidi cum in spiritu fui; et alioquin saepe; tum etiam prophetae. 1749, 15 Aug.

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