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《灵界经历》 第4356节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4356

4356. About a hypocrite

There are hypocrite demons, and hypocrite spirits, the former operating into the right side of the teeth, the gum, and the jaw, all the way to the middle of the top of the head, the latter into the left side - this hypocrite into the right side, because he is a demon. He was also able to cross over into the left, but then he did not have much life, even though he spoke enough. He spoke like a boy, he spoke like a little child, and then he was able to attract to his side boys who had not been instilled with higher knowledge. But he is among the worst, casting himself from time to time as snakes do out of his skin or slough, and this in three moves, and also twisted like a snake, according to those who saw him. 1749, 16 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Venus, meaning Friday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4356


There exist hypocritical genii and hypocritical spirits. The former operate into the right part of the teeth, the gum, and the jaw, even to one half the head upwards; the latter into the left part. The hypocrite now alluded to operated on the right, from being one of the genii, though he could be transferred to the left; but then he was, as it were, deprived of life, notwithstanding he spoke well enough. He spoke as a boy, he spoke as an infant, and then he was able to attract to his interest children that were not yet imbued in knowledges. He was, however, among the very worst, and projected himself as serpents do from their skin or slough, and that too for many times, in a three-fold series, and also rolled himself like a serpent, as they said who saw him. - 1749, August 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 4356 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4356. De hypocrita

Dantur hypocritae genii, et hypocritae spiritus, illi operantur in dextram partem dentium, gingivam et maxillam, usque versus dimidium caput summum; hi in partem sinistram, hic hypocrita in dextram, quia genius, etiam potuit transferri in sinistrum, sed tunc ita vitam non habuit, tametsi loquebatur satis. Loquutus est sicut puer, loquutus sicut infans, et tunc in partem attrahere potest pueros non cognitionibus imbutos; sed est inter pessimos, se passim proripuit sicut serpentes e cute seu crusta et hoc per vices, triplici ordine, seque volvebat ut serpens, ut dicebant qui hoc viderunt. 1749, 16 Aug.

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