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《灵界经历》 第4359节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4359

4359. He was conducted into a slightly inward aura of thought from which the nearest inward person spoke, and then he bent himself toward the right and toward the left, as if he sensed propitious conditions for himself - a sign that he is adaptable, turning himself toward every point of view, wherever he sees an opportunity for himself and his own reputation and gain. He also simulated a little child, so that hardly anyone could think otherwise - as I was prompted to observe because I felt a strong resistance if any harm should be brought upon him. So he was able to persuade many that he was innocent. He was also a vile adulterer, even though in his bodily life nothing of the kind was noticed. Such are they who are without any conscience of what is right and true. 1749, 18 Aug. 1

Then it was shown what kind of little child he was. He appeared as he really was, with gaping jaws, spoken of earlier [4357], and the spirits were horrified. They were amazed that such arts of persuasion were discovered in the other life so adroitly, so effectively, and so swiftly in the other life. It takes place in a moment. But they were told that all the faculties in the other life, even those of the evil, grow and become more effective, for then they are acting from a second nature.


1. Astrological symbol of Venus, meaning Friday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4359

4359. Being led into a sphere of thought a little more interior, from which the proximately exterior man spoke, he then bent himself about to the right and left, as if perceiving suitable opportunities to effect his ends - a sign of his cunning in adapting himself to every opinion from which he saw that he could advance himself and promote his own honor and gain. He moreover pretended innocence, so that one could scarcely believe there was any deception, as was given me to observe from perceiving his resistance when brought in contact with any evil, by which the persuasion of his innocence would be begotten in many minds. He was moreover a filthy adulterer, though nothing of the kind had been observed in his bodily life. Such are they who are destitute of the conscience of rectitude and truth. - 1749, August 18. His quality as to innocence was then shown. He appeared such as he truly was, and so hideous in the region of the jaws, concerning which I have already spoken, as to cause the spirits [who beheld him] to shudder. They wondered that such arts of persuasion should be so adroitly, so promptly, and so instantaneously acquired in the other life, as it is in fact done in a moment; but it was said that all faculties, even those of the wicked, increase and become prompt in the other life, as they then act from nature.

Experientiae Spirituales 4359 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4359. Perductus erat in sphaeram paulo interiorem cogitationis ex qua proxime exterior loquebatur, tunc se dextrorsum et sinistrorsum flectebat, sicut percipiebat convenientias pro se, signum quod versutus, se vertens ad omnem opinionem, ubi videat se et sui honorem et lucrum: et similabat etiam infantem, ut vix aliquis aliter putare posset, quod observare datum ex eo quod sentiebam resistentias, cum ei aliquid malum tunc inferretur, sic ut potuisset persuadere multis quod insons: erat etiam spurcus et adulter, tametsi tale in vita ejus corporis nihil observabatur, qui absque conscientia recti et veri, tales sunt. 1749, 18 Aug. Ostendebatur tunc qualis infans esset, visus sicut erat, cum faucibus, de quibus prius [4357] horrescebant spiritus. Mirati quod tam solerter, praesenter cito inveniant in altera vita tales artes persuasionis, fit momento, sed dictum, quod omnes facultates in altera vita, etiam malorum increscant fiant praesentiores, nam tunc ex natura agunt.

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