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《灵界经历》 第4360节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4360

4360. About Fantasies

Several times I have spoken with spirits, saying that fantasies with them are alive, so to speak. They imagine that they have clothes on, and many more ideas that are laughable and would fill many pages if they were to be related, for the reason that they are mere fantasies, and their life consists of nothing but fantasies, because it consists of falsities. In order that they may live, it has been provided by the Lord that fantasies should appear to them entirely as if they really existed.

The case is completely different with those who have faith from the Lord. With them there are no fantasies, but appearances along with all delight and happiness. I was inspired to compare fantasies to bodily objects distinctly seen, and realities to their sight as shadows or almost non-existent, while the appearances and truths with the angels [are seen] as entirely real, but fantasies as shadows and non-existent - on which account they can be harmed by no fantasies. 1749, 19 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Saturn, meaning Saturday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4360

4360. I have occasionally spoken with spirits as to the phantasies which appear so much to the life among them. They think [for instance] that they have garments, and entertain various other conceits, some of which are ridiculous, and which it would require many pages to recite. The cause of this is that they are themselves but mere phantasies, and their life consists of nothing else; they live from phantasies, because they can live only from falses. It is accordingly provided by the Lord that their phantasies should appear to them altogether as realities. With those who are in faith from the Lord the case is entirely different; to them there are no phantasies, but appearances attended with all pleasantness and felicity. Phantasies [with the former] may be compared to corporeal objects plainly seen, while things that are real are to them like a shadow, or as it were, nothing at all; to the angels, on the contrary, appearances and truths are the veriest realities, while phantasies are as shadows and nonentities; wherefore they can be harmed by no phantasies. - 1749, August 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 4360 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4360. De Phantasiis

Aliquoties loquutus sum cum spiritibus, quod phantasiae apud eos quasi vivant, putant se habere vestes, et perplura quae ridicula sunt et plures paginas implerent si memorarentur, quod causa sit, quod merae phantasiae sint, et vita eorum non nisi ex phantasiis consistat, quia ex falsis, ut vivant, ita provisum est a Domino, ut phantasiae iis appareant prorsus sicut realiter forent; aliter prorsus cum illis qui in fide ex Domino sunt, illis nullae sunt phantasiae, sed apparentiae cum omni jucunditate et felicitate; assimilare datum phantasias tanquam corporeis plane visis, et realia iis sicut umbra vel quasi nulla, at apparentias et veritates angelorum ut prorsus realia, sed phantasias ut umbras et nulla, quare a nullis phantasiis laedi possunt. 1749, 19 Aug.

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