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《灵界经历》 第4362节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4362

4362. About the judgment of a spirit, about a hypocrite

A certain hypocrite while he was in an outward or bodily aura was persuading some simple spirits, who were otherwise good, but are gullible in regard to outward qualities, that he was good. He added feelings to his speaking, in which feeling there was a content that could not fail to convince, because they were still open to such persuasion. I spoke at length with them, and told them that he was a hypocrite, and that they were [only] outward [good] qualities, but they did not believe me, because they were still gullible, as many are in the other life, because they let themselves be led along by the delight of superficial affection, not yet aware that delight is from within. So it was granted me to show them by means of a portrayal what he was like within, and by turning also his inward image to face toward them. At this they were horrified, the others who followed likewise. I was prompted to compare them to his arms and hands, for as long as such spirits are around, the aura of persuasion respecting his goodness is increased. They likewise absorb the rays of the mercy of the Lord, for they turn them at once into such qualities, as I was also given to tell them. So I was tortured by him dreadfully, while they were enjoying the summit of delight from his speaking; among other things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4362


A certain hypocrite while in an exterior or corporeal sphere persuaded several simple spirits who were otherwise good, but inclined to put faith in external things, that he also was good. He adjoined affections to his discourse, and in this affection there was such a strongly persuasive influence as could scarcely be resisted, owing to the previous character and quality of those upon whom it acted. I held much discourse with them and said that he was a hypocrite, and that the things put forth were merely exterior; but from their quality they did not believe it, there being many such in the other life as suffer themselves to be led by the delight of external affection; wherefore it was given by means of representatives and the drawing forth of his interior image towards them, to show them what his internal quality was. They shuddered at beholding it, as did others also who succeeded. It was then given to liken them to his arms or hands, for as long as such spirits are round about him the sphere of persuasion rejecting his goodness is strengthened. In like manner they absorb the rays of the Lord's compassion, for they turn them forthwith into such perversions, as it was given to say to them, whereupon I was miserably tormented by them, as they were in the highest delight from the effect of his discourse, besides other things.

Experientiae Spirituales 4362 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4362. De judicio spiritus, de hypocrita

Hypocrita dum in exteriori seu corporea sphaera esset, tum persuadebat simplicibus, qui alioquin boni, sed qui credunt exterioribus, quod esset bonus, adjunxit affectiones loquelae, in qua affectione erant talia ut non possent non persuaderi, quia adhuc tales, cum iis multum loquutus, et dixi quod hypocrita esset, et exteriora essent, sed non credebant, quia adhuc tales, sicut multi sunt in altera vita quia ab externae affectionis jucunditate se patiuntur duci, nondum scientes quod jucunditas sit ab interiori, quare iis ostendere datum qualis intus, per repraesentativa, et per traductionem ejus imaginis etiam interioris versus eos, tunc horrescebant, alii, qui succedebant, similiter. Dabatur assimilare eos ejus brachiis seu manibus, nam quamdiu tales sunt circum, tunc sphaera persuasionis boni de eo, augetur, similiter absorbent radios misericordiae Domini, nam vertunt illico in talia, quod etiam iis dicere datum, quare cruciatus sum ab eo dire, cum ii in summa delectatione ab ejus loquela essent, praeter alia.

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