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《灵界经历》 第4361节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4361

4361. About hypocrites

A certain hypocrite, ascending on being called by evil spirits out of his own hell, which is located forward, in front of the cadaverous hell, though unknown to the others was one of the worst among spirits. He was finally exposed through a medium present with me, and through the hypocrite who had inflicted on me a severe feeling of pain, a very sharp one, in the teeth and the right jaw [4348]. Then he was wrapped up in a cloth - not a long one, like others, which he would roll out of, but one like a pyramid-shaped sack within which he was enclosed. The sack was whirled around so forcefully that he cried out that he had never done such a thing; but inside the sack he changed himself into little children, then whirled the sack around in various directions - to the right, to the left, in a drilling motion, forward - all of which motions portrayed his changes of state. He still persisted stubbornly, declaring that he would rather die than give up [his ways]. Such punishments are the lot of hypocrites, and to their hell! 1749, 19 Aug. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Saturn, meaning Saturday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4361


A certain hypocrite ascending or being summoned up by the wicked from his own hell, which is in front before the cadaverous hell, - one who though unknown among others was of the very worst class - and by means of a subject who was also a hypocrite, inflicted upon me a sensible and severe pain of the teeth and jaws. Being at length detected he was wrapped in the veil, not however like others in one of the long kind from which he might be unrolled, but as it were, in a pyramidal sack, within which he was enclosed, and which was then whirled about with such violence that he would cry out that he had never done such a thing [as was laid to his charge]. He would moreover, while within transform himself into infants and then impel the sack round in various ways, now to the right, now to the left, now spirally, now anteriorly, by which motions were represented his changes of state. He still persisted most obstinately in his course, saying that he would rather die than flinch. Such are the punishments of hypocrites, and there is their hell. - 1749, August 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 4361 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4361. De hypocritis

Quidam hypocrita ascendens seu evocatus a malis ex inferno suo, quod est antrorsum ante infernum cadaverosum, qui inter pessimos erat, is ignotus inter alios, per subjectum apud me, et per hypocritam [qui] mihi gravem sensum doloris dentium et maxillae dextrae [4348], etiam acutum valde, incussit [4355], detectus tandem tunc involutus panno, non ut alii longo e quo evolveretur, sed sicut sacco pyramidali, in quo intus, qui saccus circumagebatur graviter ut clamaret quod nusquam tale fecerit, sed se intus mutabat in infantes, tum saccum varie circumagebat dextrorsum, sinistrorsus, terebratim, antrorsus, per quae omnia repraesentabantur status ejus muta356 tiones, contumaciter insistebat, sic ut diceret se mori velle potius quam remittere, tales poenae sunt hypocritarum ibi infernum eorum. 1749, 19 Aug.

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