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《灵界经历》 第4365节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4365

4365. About the hypocrite

While he was moving many who were toward the front with his poisonous talk, who were seen as if reclining at a table filled with dainties, and listening to him, whose poisonous discourse they were finding delightful, then suddenly their table was thrown forward into their faces, and instead of dainties, a snake skin drifted into their faces from his speech, and they were cast out and dispersed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4365


While he was working by his poisonous discourse upon many who were in front and who seemed to be sitting at a table filled with dainties and listening to him with great deference, having been powerfully wrought upon by his specious but venomous talk, all of a sudden the table was thrown in their faces, and instead of their dainties a kind of serpent-slaver flowed from his speech into their faces, and they were themselves cast out and dissipated.

Experientiae Spirituales 4365 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4365. De hypocrita

Cum affecerit venenata sua loquela plures qui antrorsum, qui visi tunc accumbere quasi ad mensam cum delitiis et auscultare eum, cujus loquela venenata 1

deliciabantur, tunc eorum mensa subito projecta in facies eorum, et loco deliciarum, ormrem 2

in facies ejus a loquela ejus influebat, et illi projecti et dissipati.


1. = hypocrita, cumprimis qualis pietatem affectat (vox gallica, a Tartuffe, persona principali in comoedia Molieris, 1664)

2. = exuviae serpentis (vox suecica)

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